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Trinity Episcopal Church

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     Trinity Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany whose vision is to be one church organized around the GREAT COMMANDMENT - "Love God and your neighbor as yourself" and the GREAT COMMISSION - "Go and make disciples", being rooted in the Catholic structure of Anglicanism and equipping every disciple to make disciples. We strive to be a caring faith community where the Word is proclaimed, the Sacraments are celebrated and the love of Jesus Christ is shared with all.
     We are a part of the historic church whose beliefs are set forth in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. Our Bishops are in the line of succession going back to the Apostles and are assisted in their ministry by Priests, Deacons and Laity. We are guided by SCRIPTURE (the Old and New Testaments written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit), TRADITION (the experience of the church over the centuries) and REASON (the use of our God-given intelligence to understand God's activity in the world).

Our Mission Statement:
     Trinity's mission is to be a Community that Worships God Joyfully, Shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ Faithfully, And serves ALL in need Lovingly.

Worship times

10:10 am
7:00 pm
Prayer and Praise

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