Church of the Epiphany
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Our Mission:
To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
Our Vision:
We envision a church in which relationship, faith, hope, and love form who we are as followers of Jesus Christ.
At Church of the Epiphany, we share the Good News of Jesus Christ by inviting relationship, connecting in hope, growing in faith, and serving in love.
Church of the Epiphany is made up of a diversity of persons reflecting the beauty in which God created humanity. We have folks from many different walks of life. Some of our diversity includes, but isn’t limited to: rich folks, poor folks, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, and trans* folks, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, left-handers, right-handers, hearing-impaired who don’t use ASL, old, young, pet lovers, pet averse, empty nesters, parents with kids, single moms, single dads, recently divorced, people with spouses who profess another religion, adoptive parents, people with spouses who aren’t religious, Latinx, Caucasian, African-American, British… and our list keeps growing. We hope you’ll bring your gifts and add to our quirky, fun, diverse mix of people!
Worship times
The service begins at 8:00am, but we have many folks that arrive early to have a few moments with God in and through personal prayer. You are invited to join us as we worship God together – beginning in silence and then through the words of the Holy Eucharist.
Our worship follows the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and is lifted through the music we have inherited down through ages. We look forward to welcoming you to our parish and to praying with you in our communion with each other and with God.
2222 S Price Rd
Tempe, AZ 85282-3013
United States