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Grace St. Paul's Episcopal Church

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                                               Earth Justice - Migrant Justice - Social Justice

We welcome into Grace St. Paul's parish all people who seek to love God and participate in an open and supportive community based upon the example and teachings of Jesus Christ.

We especially welcome people who feel they may not be welcome in a church because of physical appearance or ability, age, mental capacity, ethnic or religious background, sexual orientation, a sense of past or present personal sinfulness or financial circumstances.

We confess that as a community we are not perfected in love. We seek to become more fully loving, and we welcome all who wish to join us in this journey.

Mission and Vision

Grace St. Paul's Episcopal Church will be a spiritual home, open to all, providing food for the journey, and calling people to change the world. We will move toward this vision through spiritual formation embodied in the experience of Christ's love, in innovative worship, in progressive Christian education and in generous response to the gifts we have received. We will strive to be a diverse and supportive community. We will celebrate individual gifts and integrate people of all ages into our programs. We will be a beacon to our wider community, known for our care of creation and for your promotion of social justice.



Worship times

7:45 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Childcare is provided from 8:45 to 11:30.
9:00 am
Adult education
10:00 am
Sunday School for Preschool through Sixth Grades
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II or authorized Rite
11:30 am
eYouth@GSP (Youth Group)
11:30 am
Adult Education (as scheduled)
5:30 pm
First Thursday of each month - SpiritSong (Worship and Prayer in the style of Taizé)
6:00 pm
Evening Prayer in the Julian Chapel
7:00 am
Communion in the Julian Chapel
The Rite II liturgy is used in this contemplative chapel service. There is a brief homily and a discussion with all present participating.
5:30 pm
"Spirit Now" in McBride Hall
An emerging church, interactive service, during which we use a modified, contemporary and highly participatory form of the historic Christian Mass, focusing on a weekly theme and sharing a sacramental meal of bread and wine. All of the senses are engaged in this service

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities


Film and Fellowship

Arts & Culture
Faith Formation

This ministry is a monthly film-based fellowship whose mission is to be an inclusive fellowship that uses film and a shared meal as a catalyst for connecting people and building community. All are welcome, and the ministry regularly welcomes guests from Joseph's Pantry, people with food sensitivities, and non-members. This ministry  collaborates with independent film groups and hosts premieres with the Human Rights Watch Film Series, Native Voices Film Series, and the Sundance Film Forward Series.

Spirit Players

Arts & Culture
Faith Formation

This ministry highlights how religious beliefs and secular concerns form a relationship in the theater. GSP parishioners are regularly involved in sermon dramas, fundraising performances, and Sunday classes, and these events have stories from Scripture as their themes. Monthly play readings are also offered. They are always unrehearsed, open to the public, and free of charge. Past readings have included Medieval tropes (the earliest form of telling Bible stories), as well as modern dramas that explore war, family conflicts and joys, political and community tensions, and cultural conflicts. Lively discussions follow the readings, and promote diversity of thought while building community.

Bread From the Pantry

Donation Coordination/Distribution
Meal Programs

This ministry is a bread redistribution program that allows volunteers and GSP "to be bread" for each other and the wider community. Bread is picked up seven nights a week from Beyond Bread, repackaged at GSP, and then delivered to social service agencies and churches in Tucson. GSP's bread bundles provide food for people who are homeless or living in shelters.


These are only a few of the ministries offered at Grace St. Paul's, visit the website ( to learn more.

Social Services

Social Service program - financial aid and umbrella organization

Jessica Swift

Director of Social Services and Children/Youth/Families

Kinship with Creation

Creation Care/Community Gardens

Steve Keplinger

Rector - Season of Creation Liturgies

Shower Ministry

Food Pantries
Shower Ministry

Sacred Ground Race Dialogue Circles

Racial Reconciliation
Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground is dialogue series on race, grounded in faith.  Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race, racism, and whiteness while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The 10-part series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories.

Sacred Ground is a resource coming out of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society.  This series is especially designed to help white people talk with other white people, while being open to all racial/ethnic groups.  Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day – all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love.

News about Grace St. Paul's Episcopal Church

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2331 E Adams St
Tucson, AZ 85719-4308
United States



Pam Spears

Parish Administrator

Organized groups

Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Young adult group
Men's group
LGBTQ group
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Bible study
Youth group