St. James the Apostle
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For over 25 years St. James the Apostle has served the community of Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, and Ahwatukee. We are a welcoming and inclusive church.
Our central act of worship is the Great Thanksgiving (Holy Communion, Holy Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord's Supper). While we offer both traditional and contemporary worship styles, we use the Book of Common Prayer as the foundation for our worship. We do not have pews or kneeler, so we encourage you to stand or sit as you wish for worship, prayer and praise to the Lord.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers (1 Peer 2:5-9), and so the ministers of the church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons. We are all members of Christ's body by virtue of our baptism and called to ministry in Christ's name.
Our ministry and mission flows from our love of God and our neighbr. It also embraces our commitment to our baptismal covenant, especially to proclaim by word and example the good news of Jesus Christ; to seek and serve Christ in all persons; to strive for justice and peace among all people; and to respect the dignity of every human being.
Our ministries incorporate our response to God's immeasurable love, and the graceful blessing of God's gifts. As children of God, we are called to the responsibility and privilege of being stewards of the resources God has placed in our care.
Come see and explore this community of faith and experience God's love for you in Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. At St. James, strangers become family.
Worship times
Volunteer opportunities
St. James embraces the passion that brings you to volunteer your valuable time, talent, and/or treasure. While we have many ministries, like the ministries listed below where volunteers are always in need, your passion is not limited. If your passion to volunteer leads in a different direction, it is embraced by St. James!
Altar guild and music ministry
Altar guild and music ministry teams help us to move in and through the space and place of worship without distractions, so we can find forgiveness, love and peace, and experience the living Lord in our prayers, worship and praise.
Pastoral care
Our pastoral care ministry team exemplifies the compassion, mercy and loving care that Christ lived out, bringing healing and peace.
Digital and Social Media Ministry
The Digital and Social Media ministry team bring Jesus' teaching to life in virtual and multimedia ways so everyone can learn and grow together in Christ and be confident in sharing our faith with others.
Our outreach ministry team models and encourages everyone to live selflessly and give generously of our time, talent, and treasure in loving our neighbors and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We have multiple outreach opportunities throughout the year, which may vary depending upon particular needs. Current outreach needs center on much needed supplies for Navajoland and the Cruzando Fronteras border ministry as well as a monthly outreach meal service to UMOM Halle Women's emergency shelter, weekly collection of non-perishable food items for the St. Stephen's food bank.
During this COVID-19 pandemic, our outreach is centering on the collection and delivery of much needed PPE and cleaning supplies for our Diné brothers and sisters in Navajoland.
Children & Youth Ministry
Our children and youth ministry show and tell God's love as living stones building a spiritual temple of faith in the hearts and minds of children within and beyond this community of faith. We have weekly Sunday School for younger children, as well as teens. We have monthly youth groups for children and teens, and regular outreach opportunities for our children and families to participate in. Each year we actively invite the community to participate with us in a free Vacation Bible School. Each Christmas season we also partcipate in Prison Fellowship Ministries' Angel Tree program.
Welcoming & Hospitality Ministry Team
Our welcoming and hospitality team enfold us in Christ's loving arms, welcoming all equally and unconditionally modeling Christ's gracious hospitality and helping us to build and strengthen all our relationships.
Administrative Team
Our administrative team helps to discern God's vision for St. James, clarifying how we are all called to participate in fulfilling God's mission in this place at this time, and helping us to stay focused on loving God in Christ Jesus, so we can love our neighbors as ourselves.
975 E Warner Rd
Tempe, AZ 85284-3232
United States