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Trinity Cathedral

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Trinity Cathedral is located in downtown Phoenix, Arizona.  The Cathedral is surrounded by a growing vibrant urban community, arts community and the downtown Arizona State University.  Friday nights the Cathedral is part of the First Fridays Art Walk bringing in many visitors to view the changing art exhibits both in the Cathedral gallery and within the arts community of Phoenix.  The Cathedral is also home to the grammy winning Phoenix Chorale  have open rehearsals on First Fridays in preparation for their sold out performances, which are also hosted by the Cathedral.

In 1885, just three years after Missionary Bishop of Arizona and New Mexico, George Dunlap, brought the Episcopal Church to Phoenix, the community congregation of Trinity parish began. The Rev. Thomas W. Haskins invited local Episcopalians to start the mission church. The congregation purchased acreage across the street from the courthouse and built a brick church with a small bell tower. The new structure’s first service was held on the Feast of the Epiphany in 1889

The Cathedral is over 100 years old and has grown and changed as the community around it has grown and changed.  The Cathedral with it's beautiful stained glass windows was extensively remodeled over 10 years ago, unfortunately the Cathedral space was gutted by a fire a year after the remodel.  The Cathedral Community responded to the challenge and the Cathedral rose from the ashes to be the beautiful, sacred space it was and is today.  

The community it serves is diverse, and brings people from all around the Phoenix area and surrounding towns, drawn to this place by its' worship and radical hospitality.   

After more than a century, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral continues to be a vital center for community enrichment. As it lives into its second century of service, Trinity Cathedral continues to expand its role as a presence in the community for service and outreach, including support for the arts. It is also a sacred place in which the devotion and love of God find their expression in the timelessness of Anglican liturgical worship.

Worship times

8:00 am
Holy Eucharist
10:00 am
Choral Holy Eucharist
12:00 pm
Misa en Español
12:10 pm
Holy Eucharist


Altar Guild


Prepares the altar linens, vessels, breads, and wine needed for a service.  Members lay out needed items for each service and clear up afterward.  They also maintain the good order of the sacristy and order altar supplies as needed.

Health and Well-Being Ministries

Aging, Health and Wellbeing

Disseminate health care information and provides regular blood pressure & basic health care checks.  Members also offer informational events to inform the congregation about important health & well-being topics, such as The Affordable HealthCare Act, disabilities, mental health, and healing.  Semi-annual blood drives.

Worship Guild


Provides readers and order-keepers throughout the service:

Crucifers – carry the cross during the entry and exit processions.

Vergers – direct the flow of worship ensuring good communication between people at the altar and between the altar ministers and the ushers.
Acolytes – assist the clergy at the altar as torch bearers and altar servers.

Lectors – read the scriptural lessons.

Chalice Bearers – assist the priests and deacons administer Holy Communion.

Flower Guild


Brings an additional level of beauty to the worship space through its floral arrangements. Besides providing flowers for Sunday services, members may also arrange flowers for special occasions such as weddings and funerals.

Music Ministry


Three choirs and other gifted musicians bring glory to our worship.

The Cathedral Choir – sings at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays of the month.  It also sings at the 4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong on the last Sunday of the month during January to May and at major festivals.

Trinity Singers – a small group that sings at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist on the 4th Sunday of the month.

The St. Nicholas Choir – is a children’s choir that sings regularly at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist on Sundays and on other special occasions.

Musicians – Trinity enjoys the presence of a number of skilled musicians in the congregation who contributions to our worship on special occasions.

Hospitality Team


Welcomes all who come to our Sunday services.  Greeters meet people at the door.  Ushers distribute bulletins and manage organizational issues affecting the congregation during worship services. Other volunteers coordinate contributions to our coffee hour following the 10:00 a.m. service.

Foyers Groups


Small groups of 10-15 people who enjoy getting together to know each other better.  As examples, members may have supper at each other’s homes, meet at a restaurant, or go on a hike.
 Foyers group sign-up annually.

20s and 30s Group


A group of young adults that meet monthly.  Besides enjoying each other's company and getting to know others, this group undertakes selected service projects.

Musical Arts


The musical outreach of Trinity Cathedral. It sponsors a wide range of internationally known artists, fantastic local talent, well-established groups, and promising newly-formed groups in performance. Offerings range from organ concerts to chamber music and the Festival of Lessons and Carols. Most concerts are free of charge as our gift to community.

Visual Arts Committee


The Olney Gallery is a professional art space that is the visual arts outreach of Trinity Cathedral. An integral part of this outreach is the monthly First Friday event when the Gallery hosts a reception from 6 – 9:00 p.m.  The Gallery is also open every Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m.  The Visual Arts Committee is also working with the children in our community bringing the arts to the local schools. 

Trinity Quilters


The Trinity Quilters create traditional quilts blessed with prayers to be given as a comfort and a help in healing to those experiencing severe health issues.  The Quilters also create whimsical quilts for the Sojourner Center, a refuge for those suffering domestic violence

Millennium Development Goals Committee

Aging, Health and Wellbeing

Support the reduction of child mortality, empowering women, and education by creating partnerships with a birthing center in Haiti and a primary school in Tanzania.  Members have established productive personal relationships with people in both places and enjoy seeing both Maison de Naissance (the birthing center) and The Steven Tito Academy flourish.

Stewardship Team

Economic Development

Ensures that Trinity Cathedral is operating on a sound financial basis.  It is also responsible for communicating the financial health of the church to the congregation and organizing the year-long stewardship campaign.

Ministry Council


Representatives from each of the ministries meet to share information and coordinate overall planning and support and encourage each other in their ministry efforts.  The Cathedral community is involved in multiple activities year round and the Ministry Council helps the organizers and supporters be successful. Some of the outreach activities are Angel Tree, Homeless Breakfasts at Thanksgiving and Easter, assembling and distributing Urban Care Packets for the homeless, and many other activities.

The Ministry Council is working with the various Ministry leaders developing a partnership with Garfield Elementary School which serves the children in the immediate area of the Cathedral, with  87% of the children at the school receiving Federal assistance. The Cathedral and the School have written a grant together which would fund after-school programs for the children.  The Arts Committee is working with the school to find out the best ways to support the children through our arts program.  In addition, the Ministry Council is working with the various ministry leaders to enhance and support our partnership with Interfaith Cooperative Ministries, identifying ways to help better serve the working poor, children and seniors, within our community.  

Jubilee Ministry - Cathedral Health Services

Aging, Health and Wellbeing

Jubilee Ministries are programs of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people, wherever they are found, to meet basic human needs, and to build a just society. For more information on Jubilee Ministries, please visit

News about Trinity Cathedral

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100 W Roosevelt St
Phoenix, AZ 85003-1406
United States



Gary Gorman

Office Manager

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Young adult group
LGBTQ group
Godly Play
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Education for Ministry (EFM)
Bible study
Youth group