Church of the Advent
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Advent is the Episcopal Church for Madison and Morgan County, Georgia. Advent has a rich history that complements the extraordinary past of Madison. The first Episcopal parish was assembled in 1846 and was reinvented in 1953. The current church building, built in 1844, has been the center of worship since 1961 and the Barnett parish house was acquired four years later. One hallmark of the parish culture is a strong spirit of loyalty and intense affection toward the church as an integral part of the fabric of Madison’s faith and life community. Our purpose is to challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually. Our goal is to be a transformational Church where we worship, educate, and engage in serving and healing our community.
Worship times
In depth study holy scripture, "one book at a time." Homework, discussion, Q&A. Meets Tuesdays @ 6:30 to 8:00pm with refreshments.
"Coffee flavored" Lectionary based study and conversation. Wednesdays @ 10:00am
338 Academy St
Madison, GA 30650-1545
United States