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Episcopal Church of the Blessed Redeemer

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We worship on Sundays at 9 AM.  Come join us if you're on vacation or if you're local to the area.

We are a mostly Caribbean immigrant congregation made up of many folks originally from the West Indies, New York, and Florida.

Worship times

9:00 am
Traditional broad to high leaning worship using contemporary (Rite II) language with some chanting. In our music we use both traditional hymns from the Hymnal 1982 and gospel hymns from the Lift Every Voice & Sing II hymnal and elsewhere.

News about Episcopal Church of the Blessed Redeemer

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1225 Degroodt Rd SW
Palm Bay, FL 32908-7102
United States



The Rev. Brian W. Turner


Organized groups

Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Daughters of the King
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Bible study