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Christ Church Cathedral

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             Christ Church was founded in 1858, when Eau Claire was little more than a small logging community. It was made into a cathedral in 1928, when the Diocese of Eau Claire was formed out of a portion of the Diocese of Milwaukee. A cathedral is the ‘Mother Church’ of a diocese, and it is the church where the bishop of the diocese is seated, so the cathedral is a pilgrimage center for all Episcopal congregations in northwestern Wisconsin. The Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire is part of the Episcopal Church in the United States, and also part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

We trace our worship heritage to the Church of England, and further to the Western, or Roman Tradition. We are part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church that has been carrying on the mission of Jesus Christ for two millennia.

Our primary function is the worship of God, to enrich and empower His servants to fulfill their vocation as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our main act of worship is the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. During this service, we gather together to hear God’s Word in Holy Scripture, to pray together, and to celebrate the Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper, or Holy Communion. Our worship is an expression of the worship that Christians have been offering to God from the beginning. It blends together timeless traditions, rich prayers and beautiful music, to make a loving fellowship, which celebrates new life. In our worship, we give thanks to God for all His gifts to us, especially for restoring us to fullness of life in Jesus Christ. We are nourished by giving thanks, and we are given strength by God for the continuation of His work in the world.

Through our worship together, we are made into One Body in Christ, and like any body we have many different members, each performing essential functions. We celebrate that God has called together people from diverse backgrounds and lives to worship together, and we recognize that our diversity is a gift from God, given to enrich our life together. We welcome people from all backgrounds and walks of life to join us in our celebration.  You are welcome, and we would value your gifts and presence with us.

Worship times

5:00 pm
Eucharist in the Chapel of the Ascension
8:00 am
Rite I Eucharist in the Chapel of the Ascension
9:00 am
Dean's Forum in the Memorial Lounge
Sunday School in the Wilson Building
Nursery in the Wilson Building 9-11am
10:00 am
Rite II Choral Eucharist in the Cathedral
12:15 pm
Mass in the Chapel of the Ascension
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Ascension
Monday through Thursday
10:00 am
Morning Prayer in the Cathedral
Monday through Thursday
5:30 pm
Evening Prayer in the Cathedral


The Community Table

Meal Programs

Since 1993, The Community Table has been nourishing hungry bodies and spirits in the Eau Claire Community. Currently, The Community Table serves one meal each day, 365 days a year on a no-questions asked basis. Anyone can join our table during meal time.

The Community Table is a collaborative effort of local churches, the area food bank, and many concerned individuals, businesses, and civic and social groups. 

The Community Table is truly a community.  Each day volunteers, guests, and staff share a table, coming together over the most basic human needs—breaking down barriers and building community.  Everyone can give to this collaborative effort and inevitably receives as well.  Whether hungry in body or spirit, you are always welcome at our table.

Christ Church Cathedral regularly sponsors service days at the Community Table.  If you are interested in helping, contact our office for the next scheduled service day and directions.

Feed My People

Meal Programs

In 1980 Christ Church was one of six local congregations that recognized the need for continuous outreach to the hungry in Eau Claire County.  Feed my People is now supported by over 20 congregations, service organizations, and corporations.  Feed my People was the recipient of an National Episcopal Church Jubilee Grant.  The food bank serves 95 agencies, including Community Table. In 2011, they distributed 5.5 million pounds of food.

Sojourner House

Shelter and Housing

Sojourner House opened its doors on November 1, 2011. Run by Catholic Charities, it is a shelter for single adult men and women, offering a safe, clean place, to sleep overnight—no questions asked; their guest's dignity, respect and safety are of paramount importance.

Sojourner House is open year round from 7 PM in the evening to 7 am in the morning, providing sleep arrangements for up to 30 men and 8 women. Everyone is accepted into the shelter unless they are behaving in an unruly or boisterous manner. A core staff is employed by Catholic Charities, with a large supplement of volunteers for support.  Christ Church Cathedral partners with Sojourner House to provide volunteers for supervision and support.

Literacy Volunteers

Career Services and Education

Literacy Volunteers - Chippewa Valley is a community-based literacy program that trains and supports volunteers to educate adults and their families, helping them acquire the skills necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency and function effectively in their roles as citizens, workers, and family members.

Our mission to help one individual, one family, and one community at a time is realized through our core programs: One-to-One Tutoring; Family Literacy; Workplace Education; Corrections, and Citizenship. All programs employ one-on-one tutoring provided by trained and supported volunteer tutors. 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry

Aging, Health and Wellbeing
Spreading Love

The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets most on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Memorial Lounge. We always welcome newcomers at our meetings! Just bring a set of size 10.5 or 11 knitting needles and 3 skeins of Red Heart Classic or Super Saver yarn, machine washable/dryable, all in the same color, to the meeting with you. If you have more experience you may wish to purchase 3 skeins of Homespun Yarn, machine washable/dryable, all in the same color. If you don't have experience with knitting, we will teach you how to make a prayer shawl!

We have added knitting baptismal blankets to our ministry. If you are interested in knitting a baptismal blanket then you need to purchase either Bernat Baby Sport yarn or Pound of Love yarn. We have a pattern specifically for these blankets and 26"-36" #8 circular needles are required.

All the yarn that we use to knit our shawls is purchased by our members and with donations. If you would like to support our ministry, we gladly accept monetary donations, which are used to buy yarn.

Our ministry is an extension of God's love and our shawls embrace the recipients with His Holy Spirit. We give our shawls as a gift to those who may be celebrating the birth of a child (also for the baby), a marriage, and graduations; also to those who may be dealing with the grief and sorrow of losing a loved one, for those who are ill, to mention a few.

Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra

Arts & Culture

Christ Church Cathedral hosts the offices of the Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra, which has been enriching our community through music and the arts since 1998.

Artist in Residence

Arts & Culture

Each year Christ Church provides the opportunity to be one of two Artists In Residence at Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral, located in downtown Eau Claire, on the corner of Farwell and Lake. Each Artist In Residence receives free use of a studio for one year in return for giving two lectures on their work over the course of that year and donating one piece of artwork made specifically for the Cathedral. The artists will also receive space on our website, publicity, and an exhibition of their work.

We want to give artists a place to work, to exhibit, and to meet. In return we want to learn about how and why you work, and to build a collection of artworks that inspire, challenge and revitalize all seekers of truth.

Beacon House

Shelter and Housing

Beacon House is a shelter that is part of the ministry of the Eau Claire Interfaith Hospitality Network.  It serves families and pregnant women who are temporarily homeless or at risk of homelessness.  Their mission is to provide shelter, meals, direct services, and advocacy in areas of housing, employment, and self-sufficiency through case management.
Christ Church’s ministry with Beacon House strengthens the bonds of fellowship within our congregation, and with other congregations and volunteer agencies.
Christ Church Cathedral is currently partnering with Lake Street Methodist in hosting periodic meals and overnights with Beacon House.

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510 S Farwell St
Eau Claire, WI 54701-4994
United States

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The Very Rev. Michael Greene

Dean and Rector

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Bible study
College student group
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Young adult group
Youth faith formation/Sunday school

Other community groups

Sojourner House, Head Start, The Community Table, St. Francis Food Pantry, Beacon House, Feed My People, Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra, Literacy Volunteers,