Epiphany Episcopal Church
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Epiphany Episcopal Church is a neighborhood church, a congregation filled with aloha, growing in faith and serving the community. Our ethnically diverse congregation worships in a stone church built over 100 years ago. Our congregation is composed of multi-generational families from neighborhoods both near and far.
Worship times
Volunteer opportunities
Waikiki Health Center: https://waikikihc.org/
The Path Clinic: https://waikikihc.org/locations/path/
Waikiki Youth Outreach: https://waikikihc.org/locations/youth-outreach-drop-in-center-and-teen-clinic/
Aloha Harvest: https://alohaharvest.org/
Our parish collects non-perishable items on the first and third Sundays of the month for Aloha Harvest, Waikiki Health Center, and Waikiki Youth Outreach Center distribution. We provide meals for the Institute for Human Services on the third Sunday of even numbered months and for Family Promise, as requested. We support the PATH Clinic in Kaimuki, Palolo Elementary School and Palolo Homes with needed items as requested.
1041 10th Ave
Honolulu, HI 96816-2210
United States