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Church of the Good Shepherd

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Church of the Good Shepherd is located on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation.  The church is a wooden structure that has undergone major foundation renovations.  There is a parish hall and clergy house.

Worship times

11:00 am
An in-person service is held on Sundays at 11:00 am.
A Facebook live service is held on Sunday evenings at 7:30 pm.
It may be Evening Prayer, Compline or Holden Evening Prayer. The Presider will be Ron Braman or Alonzo Bighorse. The presiders are using masks, air purification and sanitizers on hands.


The Doctrine of Discovery Idaho Diocese Initiative


This is an educational and spiritual event that teaches a vitally important perspective to your understanding of the history of the West.

Ron Braman

Senior Warden

News about Church of the Good Shepherd

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Mission Road
Rt. 6, Box 465
Fort. Hall, ID 83203
United States



Ron Braman

Senior Warden and Worship Leader

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Bible study
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors