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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

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Welcome! St. Paul's is a member of the Episcopal faith tradition. Centered in downtown Lansing at the corner of West Ottawa and Seymour streets, directly across from the State Capitol, St. Paul's has been a presence in this community for more than 160 years. All who wish to grow their faith in a safe space are invited to join in our worship, educational programs, outreach to the community, and other activities. We are an open and affirming community; our doors are open regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or social class. God's love is extended to all, and it is our hope that you can experience this love among us.

St. Paul's is a busy place with many ministries. We invite you to find a ministry that best speaks to the passion of your heart and the gifts that God has given to you, whether in music, education, Christian formation, outreach, or pastoral care. We invite you to visit us to get a sense of the place and who we are.

Worship times

10:00 am

News about St. Paul's Episcopal Church

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218 W Ottawa St
Lansing, MI 48933-1374
United States

Organized groups

Bible study
Youth faith formation/Sunday school


Sacred Ground