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All Saints' Church

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All Saints’ Church is an Episcopal Parish located in a serene wooded area of Princeton; adjacent to a 142-acre forested nature preserve. We seek to do God’s work in the world as a caring Christian community, valuing traditional Anglican liturgy, embracing challenging Christian education and treasuring artistic expression.

All Saints’ Church has a long history of offering outreach opportunities in many forms and sizes. We are active as individuals, as a local parish, as a member of the greater Episcopal Church and within the global community. Recently All Saints’ was designated a Jubilee Center by the Episcopal Church, which reflects our exceptional commitment to Outreach.

All Saints' church shares a commitment to actively support families of all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. Children, teens and adults all need nourishment of body and soul, remembering not only who they are but “whose” they are. Christian Formation at All Saints’ is designed to provide the kind of
community, structure and guidance that allows the Holy Spirit to grow and flourish within each person. All Saints’ is blessed with a wonderful community of ministries that ensures the smooth functioning of the Lord’s work in our parish life.

Worship times

8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Traditional Rite I
10:15 am
live stream
Holy Eucharist Contemporary Rite II

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