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Church of the Good Shepherd

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Our History


A Free Church

The Church of the Good Shepherd was formed as the first free Episcopal Church in Raleigh in 1874. Until then, the only general house of worship in Raleigh for the Episcopal communion was Christ Church, where pews were owned by the various families composing its congregation.


The First Rector

In January of 1874, the Rev. Edward R. Rich of St. Paul's Church in Clinton was called as rector of the newly-formed church. He conducted the first service in February of 1874, assisted by the Rt. Rev. T. B. Lyman D. D. 

By spring, a site at the corner of Hillsborough and McDowell streets was purchased and construction of the church began on Sept. 24, 1874.  Services were often held in the Hall of the House of Representatives of the Capitol while the church was being built. 

On Easter Day, March 28, 1875, the congregation held its first service in the church's present location.  The new parish was admitted to the Diocese at the annual convention held in Wilmington on May 21, 1874.

A Lasting Legacy

In 1896, the Rev. Isaac McKendree Pittenger, D. D., fourth rector of the church, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. While there, he close a block of marble quarried near Jerusalem and shipped it home as the cornerstone for a new and larger church building.

The cornerstone was laid in October 1899, but the building was not completed until 1914.  The original church then became the Parish House and was used for that purpose until 1954 when a new Parish House building was completed. While the construction on the existing church structure was completed in 1914, the construction of the stained glass windows took place over the next 60 years.

The altar that depicts the Last Supper, as well as the wainscoting and paving, are made from Italian marble and are typical of churches in Northern Italy. It is said that the work was done in Italy and the masons came from there to install it.In 2004, a new Parish Life Center was completed.  

The previous buildings on the site, including the old administrative building, Parish House and All Saint's Chapel were removed as part of the site renovations. 


Worship times

8:00 am
Holy Eucharist
10:15 am
Holy Eucharist, preceded by Christian formation
*This worship service is also livestreamed, available via our website, YouTube channel, and Facebook channel.

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

Volunteer Service Areas


Acolytes – middle and high school youth who assist in services be carrying the crosses, torches and helping the clergy in the service

Altar Guild – set up/break down for each service, clean area inside the communion rail, clean and properly store service silver

Chalicist – assist clergy by delivering Holy Eucharist wine to communicants during services.

Lay Eucharistic Visitor -  deliver Holy Eucharist to parishioners who are hospitalized or otherwise shut-in

Lay Reader – assist in services by reading the Lesson appointed for the day

Music – participation in Youth Choir, Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, the playing of instruments for services or working in the music library

Usher – arrive at church about 30 minutes before a service to greet/seat those attending, pass out bulletins, collect the offering, guide attendees to Holy Communion and pick-up bulletins left in the pews after the service

Verger – a lay minister who assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship, especially in the marshalling of processions

Daughters of the King – a women’s prayer group who offer daily prayers for both parishioners and non-parishioners for whom prayers have been requested. Their prayer list is confidential.

Fellowship Events – assist with equipment pick-up/return, preparation of food, event set-up/clean-up for the Chili Cook-off, Mike Beard Memorial Pig Pickin’, Parish Picnic, Shrimp and Oyster Roast and other parish fellowship events Flower Delivery – (Sundays after 10:15am Service) assist by delivering altar flowers to parishioners who are in the hospital or otherwise shut-in

Gardening Guild - assist with the installation and care of plantings on CGS grounds and those in the Parish Life Center, grounds pick-up

Library Guild – shelve books, follow up with parishioners with overdue books, catalog new books, assist parishioners in the library itself

Meals & Funeral Receptions - provide meals to homebound parishioners during times of trial and joy through our “Loving Your Neighbor” Group; provide food and/ or assistance for funeral receptions at church

Nursery Guild – help paid staff care for children under 5 years old in the nursery during services and special church meetings, and help with nursery clean-up days

Office/Receptionist – 4 hour shift (AM or PM) to answer the phone, route calls, greet and direct visitors, assist staff with short-term projects

Recording Ministry – operate digital equipment to make a recording of services, duplicate and ready them for mailing to shut-in parishioners, and to be put online, operate sound during services

Sunday School Teacher – prepare/assist in the teaching of our children, teens or adults during Christian Education on Sunday mornings

Teller – assist with the tally of the Sunday morning offering on Monday morning Transportation – help by driving parishioners to church services and meetings as needed

Vestry – the 12-member group that is entrusted with the ministry of lay leadership to make church business decisions on behalf of the congregation

Youth Advisor/Aide – assist the Youth Director in working with our parish middle and high school youth, others fix meals for Sunday nights and/or chaperone trips

Wedding Guild – a team to direct weddings at CGS; attend rehearsal, assist clergy and bridal party, attend wedding


Beyond Our Doors Provides: 1) respite and an Episcopal noonday service in the Sanctuary on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:30am - 1:00pm AND 2) a lunchtime meal and fellowship with our neighbors from the streets of Raleigh every 3rd Sunday after the 10:15 worship service. Committee meetings are on the 2nd Sunday from 9-10am in the Soup Kitchen.

Cheshire House Meals - provide a lunch time meal for approximately 25 college students on the 2nd Sunday each month, Sept.– May. You may share with another parishioner!

Community of Historic Churches October’s Historic Church Walk - greeters needed at CGS to welcome visitors

Family Promise - (Formerly Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network) help CGS act as a support church for First Presbyterian for one night of a week-long stay per quarter. WIHN helps families transitioning from homelessness. We provide and serve one evening meal, drive a van for participants, and provide overnight support (1 male & 1 female) at First Presbyterian

Habitat for Humanity – with a group of parishioners, assist with the building of houses for low income families or in the provision of lunch and drink for the workers Lowes Foods Pick-up (for Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen) – pick up food items for one month of Sundays from store on Strickland Road and deliver to the Soup Kitchen

Meals on Wheels – delivery of a hot, prepared lunch to shut-ins in the Raleigh area on the 4th Thursday of each month (takes approximately 2 hours midday)

Mission Trips – participation in events to provide relief, comfort and hope to those outside our parish St. Francis

Needlework Guild – knit/crochet prayer shawls, hats, scarves, baby blankets and caps for congregation members and those in need from the Shepherd’s Table, Rex Hospital, Wake Medical Center, and the Christmas at Sea Project of the Seaman’s Institute

St. Nicholas Tree – pick a child from this tree during Advent to surprise at Christmas with a wrapped toy, book and/or clothing

Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen (STSK) – assist in preparation, serving and clean-up of lunchtime meal Monday – Friday from our kitchen downstairs Warmth for Wake – with a group of parishioners, cut and deliver firewood to our neighbors in need



Food Pantries
Meal Programs

Our Mission

To provide a mutual ministry between the people of the Raleigh area – those who have and those who have not – by providing food obtained by donation and served by volunteers.  In this manner, the true spirit of communion, that of sharing God’s gifts with God’s people, can be carried out in a caring and non-judgmental atmosphere.

To Learn more visit:

Sacred Ground Race Dialogue Circles

Racial Reconciliation
Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground is dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race, racism, and whiteness while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The 10-part series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories.

Sacred Ground is a resource coming out of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. This series is especially designed to help white people talk with other white people, while being open to all racial/ethnic groups. Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day – all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love.

News about Church of the Good Shepherd

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121 Hillsborough St
Raleigh, NC 27603-1762
United States

Email address


David Baggett

Parish Administrator

The Rev. Imogen Rhodenhiser


Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Bible study
Daughters of the King
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Habitat for Humanity
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
LGBTQ group
Men's group
Young adult group
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Youth group

Other community groups

The Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen
ONE Wake
Raleigh Mennonite Church