LEAP Pre-K (Latino Educational Achievement Partnership)
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Believing in the potential of all children, LEAP empowers Latino and other children in Durham to achieve academic success by providing a high-quality preschool and on-going support through middle school.
LEAP's preschool, Nuestra Esquelita, is open from M-F from 9-12 following the Durham Public School calendar. LEAP's tutoring program is held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 630-730 for lower and middle school children.
Volunteer opportunities
LEAP, an outreach ministry to Latino children started by parishioners of St. Luke’s, St. Philip’s and El Buen Pastor in 2008, is gearing up for the school year! Our PreK, Nuestra Escuelita, is beginning its fourth year and will be full of 4 year olds getting ready for Kindergarten beginning this week. Our school-aged children will be working hard on improving their reading skills. LEAP depends on the community, especially members of our church community, to work with these bright, motivated children. We are looking for volunteers who could: TUTOR a school-aged child, Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. ASSIST our PreK children and their teachers one day week (Mon - Thurs), 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. CREATE a role for yourself - help organize our library, contribute to our blog, up-date our website - let us know what you can offer! It is NOT necessary to speak Spanish, but volunteers MUST love spending time with children! Applications and more information are at: durhamleap.org. Leigh Bordley is happy to answer questions (durhamleapcoordinator@gmail.com, 919-302-0331). Tutoring and Nuestra Escuelita are held at St. Luke’s.
News about LEAP Pre-K (Latino Educational Achievement Partnership)
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1737 Hillandale Road
Durham, NC 27705
United States