St. Mary's Episcopal Church
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St. Mary's is a welcoming and caring community of people from all walks of life. We seek to weave a unique pattern of worship, joyful and inspiring music, pastoral care, fellowship, Christian education, social action, and youth programs. The resulting tapestry of our common life reflects the textures of the past as well as a newfound energy that helps us to continue to grow in our life in Christ.
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Trees4Trash Projest
Trees4Trash: Working together to plant in 2020 one hundred native trees and pollinator bushes in low- income, racially-diverse, inner-city SW High Point located in Richland Watershed and the Cape Fear River Basin in exchange for picking up trash to help clean the water in Richland Creek and raise quality of life.
108 W Farriss Ave
High Point, NC 27262-3099
United States