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St. Martin's Episcopal Church

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Worship times

10:00 am
Holy Eucharist / Liturgy of the Word: (Eucharist on most Sundays, depending on availability of Supply Priest.)
-- and our Facebook page
7:00 pm
Compline (on Zoom:)


Ministry to our Community

Creation Care/Community Gardens
Donation Coordination/Distribution
Meal Programs

St Martin's delivers personal care kits to the Lebanon Soup Kitchen on the last Friday of even-numbered months. 

We provide assistance to folks in need on Wednesday and Friday mornings.

Our playground is open and inviting for community children

We serve breakfasts to unhoused area people on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 8:30-10:30 am

We participate in Laundry Love, a service to our unhoused population

We host a little community free circulating library

Sara Jameson

Senior Warden and Volunteer Outreach Coordinator

News about St. Martin's Episcopal Church

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