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St. Thomas Episcopal Church

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Our Parish Commitment to You:

To make you feel welcome.
To be family friendly.
To offer you time to stop and think in your busy life.
To be a place of rest, refreshment and grace.

At St. Thomas we are committed to being practical and relevant, while helping you explore answers to your deepest questions. Together, we will help you make sense of the Bible, and who Jesus is, and we will help you discover for yourself God’s love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

We are here to offer you a new start in the love of God!

Worship times

10:00 am
Holy Eucharist, with music
Sunday School
Nursery care

Volunteer opportunities

Ongoing commitment opportunities

Liturgical Ministries

St. Thomas Episcopal Church has always supported a very active lay liturgical ministry to enhance our worship.

Our Lay Eucharistic Ministers read lessons, lead the Prayers of the People, and serve at the altar.

Our lectors read the second lesson. Both adults and youth serve as acolytes. Altar Guild members prepare the altar and church for worship and clean up after each service.

Our music director, organist, and choir lead congregational singing and provide anthems and other musical offerings.

Our ushers welcome members and newcomers alike, pass the offering plates, and bring forward the bread and wine to the altar.

Outreach Ministry

Through the Outreach Committee, the church extends a helping hand of financial support and service to local, national and international non-profit organizations that target hunger, poverty, disaster relief and disease. The committee welcomes suggestions concerning deserving projects and initiatives. Funding for these activities comes from the St. Thomas budget and from the generous birthday, anniversary and thanksgiving offerings of parishioners. Additional fundraising activities are being planned to increase the amount of support we can offer worthy non-profits as they work toward lasting change.

Buildings and Grounds Ministry

In addition to the sanctuary, the facilities include Sunday School rooms, the Columbarium/Memorial Garden, offices, a library, and a large parish hall with kitchen. The oversight of the buildings and the maintenance of the grounds is done almost exclusively by dedicated volunteers with leadership coming from the Buildings and Grounds Committee.

News about St. Thomas Episcopal Church

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1465 Coburg Rd
Eugene, OR 97401-5006
United States



J. B. Hoover

Parish Administrator

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Bible study
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Youth faith formation/Sunday school

Other community groups

Grassroots Garden, Food for Lane County
Head Start of Lane County