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St. Alban's Episcopal Church

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The Church of Saint Alban is now the oldest Episcopal Church in El Paso, and part of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. The parish is moving in exciting directions as we strive to continue share Christ's message of love and forgiveness in a stressed-out world.   We are moving toward our 100th year of common witness and worship.


The mission of St. Alban's is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, thereby empowering our members to be the Body of Christ; and to carry God’s message of love into a hurting world, remembering always the command of Jesus to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, care for the sick, visit those in prison, and welcome the stranger among us.

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Donation Coordination/Distribution

School supplies and backpacks collected in summer, blessed and distributed to Armendariz Middle School in August, a lay ministry originated by one of the parish’s teachers 


Donation Coordination/Distribution

Support for Opportunity Center of El Paso, a special project of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, and the Daughters of the King, with donations by the congregation 

News about St. Alban's Episcopal Church

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1810 Elm St
El Paso, TX 79930-3110
United States

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The Rev. Dr. Lin Lilley, rector

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Daughters of the King
Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Other community groups

El Paso Cactus and Rock Club and the Native Plant Society
Daughters of the British Empire
Choral Ensemble El Paso and the Gilbert and Sullivan Theater Group
Angel Tree