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St. Paul's Peace Episcopal Lutheran

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Worship times

10:00 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Last Thursday of the month
5:15 pm
Taize Service


Bernal Community Center

Donation Coordination/Distribution

The Bernal Community Center is a resource center for the community that distributes food for those living with food insecurity in the community as well as a collection center for clothing and other needs. The center also serves as a Senior Center. In addition, there is space for a variety of community events and activities.

Youth Music outreach

Arts & Culture
Children and Youth Ministries

Program to encourage musically talented young people by providing performance space and stipends, and a limited scholarship.

Books for children and youth

Donation Coordination/Distribution

Collecting used books in excellent to very good condition to be given to children and their parents to encourage the habit of reading and to affirm the children of the poor by providing books that will be their own to keep.

Veterans grooming kits

Donation Coordination/Distribution

Purchase through donation or gather by donation personal items for grooming kits for hospitalized veterans.

News about St. Paul's Peace Episcopal Lutheran

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810 Eighth Street
Las Vegas, NM 87701
United States

Email address


Madelynn K. Johnston, Vicar

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Habitat for Humanity
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Bible study