St. John's Episcopal Church
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Worship times
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer depending on the Sunday
Volunteer opportunities
One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities
Volunteers are welcome to help with any of our ministries. Contact the church office for more information.
Community DInner
Meal Programs
A free meal is provided to any community member who attends. Dinners are provided on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 5:00-6:30pm.
Children's Closet
Donation Coordination/Distribution
Gently used children's clothing is collected and sold at a nominal cost. Proceeds are used to support community initiatives and services to the Sodus Community.
Sundry Closet
Aging, Health and Wellbeing
Personal care items are available to those with SNAP benefit cards. Contact the church office for an appointment.
54 West Main St
Sodus, NY 14551-1134
United States
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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step