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Canterbury - Episcopal Campus Ministry at Washington & Lee University and Virginia Military Institute

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Grace Episcopal Church is committed to the spiritual growth of the students and cadets at Washington and Lee University and Virginia Military Institute. We recognize that nurturing spiritual growth is vital to academic and human development. Our mission is to assist students and cadets as they discern their vocation through the discovery and stewardship of their God-given gifts. Through the Canterbury Fellowship we provide opportunities for Christian fellowship, study and worship that foster interaction between W&L students, VMI cadets, and members of the Grace parish family.

Cadets and students are invited to participate in the life and worship of our parish. Some sing in the choir; serve as lay readers, chalicists, ushers or acolytes; assist in the Church School program or volunteer with our youth group. Students are invited to spend Sunday afternoon in the Canterbury Room. The church provides lunch. Some students have chosen to be "adopted" by parishioners and spend Sunday afternoon in their homes before returning to post.

Mission Statement

The mission of Grace Episcopal Church is to share in  the redeeming work of God by proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, by worshipping Jesus as Lord, by growing in the knowledge of God and God's will for our parish, and by building the fellowship of Christ's body, the Church. We seek to share God's love in witness and service to one another and our community, our neighboring institutions of higher education, and through the diocese, to the nation and the world.

Worship times

8:00 am
Holy Eucharist
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist
2nd Sunday of each month
5:00 pm
Taizé Eucharist
4th Sunday of each month
5:00 pm
Choral Evensong

News about Canterbury - Episcopal Campus Ministry at Washington & Lee University and Virginia Military Institute

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