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Christ Episcopal Church

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Christ Church is a congregation rich with people, worship, and a variety of ministries.  Our hallmarks of being a faithful Christian community embrace aspects of being a welcoming and inclusive parish, serving the needs of others around us near and far, living within the theology and traditions of the Episcopal Church, being mindful stewards of our God given resources, gifts, and talents, and nurturing one another’s faith and providing for its continued development. 

Being one of only two churches still worshiping in original buildings in the Sixteen Squares that comprise historic downtown Blacksburg, Christ Church exists to serve God and people in our world with deep roots to our Anglican tradition and past, to embodying Christ's love in the present, and always striving to become more and more the people of God as the future unfolds.

Christ Church offers a variety of activities to assist parishioners of all ages to grow in knowledge, love, and faith. Our educational programs have a firm foundation in liturgical and faith traditions that have been passed down for many centuries.

The Episcopal Church operates within an Anglican tradition that has a distinct intellectual profile, the "middle way" originally developed to mediate between the doctrines of Geneva and Rome. Its point is not to seek a lowest common denominator but to pursue vigorous intellectual engagement with differing points of view, to encourage spiritual discovery by listening carefully and responding thoughtfully to others. We 

We are committed individually and as a community to outreach and service to others. Our service is local and global, and gives feet to our faith.

If you find yourself pondering some of life's bigger questions, or perhaps you're looking for a place where you can engage your mind, heart, and soul while seeking a relationship with God and others, Christ Church invites you and welcomes you to become a part of this portion of the Body of Christ.


Worship times

8:30 am
Holy Eucharist from late August through May
10:30 pm
Holy Eucharist from late August through May
9:30 am
Holy Eucharist in June through late in August

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