St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Walla Walla
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We believe that the best decision a person can ever make at any time in their life is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, and we are a community of disciples.
We are called to grow together in spirit, to be changed by the transformative love and grace of God, and be sent out in love and service to our community and world.
Worship times
Our early Sunday worship service is quiet and contemplative, with three readings and a psalm from the scriptures, an accessible sermon, prayers for ourselves, our community, and our world, and the celebration of Holy Communion. This service uses language that modern and accessible, yet also poetic and evocative. This service typically lasts no longer than 45 minutes.
Holy Eucharist (Rite II) with Hymns - June-August
Our mid-morning Sunday worship service draws on the best of our church's tradition, melding the poetic and evocative language of The Book of Common Prayer with the riches of the Anglican/Episcopal church music tradition. This service features music which is led by the Saint Paul's Choir during the academic year. We hear three readings and a psalm from the scriptures, and accessible sermon. We pray for ourselves, our community, and our world, and join together in celebrating Holy Communion. This service typically lasts no longer than 1 hour 15 minutes.
Small Groups
Perhaps the most important ministry at St. Paul's isn't one that always happens at the church, but out in our community. St. Paul's strongly encourages and invites participation in one of our many small groups, in which 3-6 people gather on a regular basis throughout the program year. We provide groups with suggested resources to read together - but the group itself sets its own agenda, and any "program" is only a vehicle to what's most important: growing in faith together by sharing, learning, and praying.
Recently, group have made a journey through the Bible over the course of a year, explored how to pray, taken a deep dive into The Book of Common Prayer, studied the Book of Genesis, read and discussed C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters and much more!
To get connected, reach out to the Parish Office at
Godly Play Family Nights
Once a month, we gather on a Wednesday night for families and youth ages 3-10 for a provided dinner and a lesson from Godly Play for curious youth that engages their imagination to hear the stories of faith expressed in the Bible, the Church's life together, and in the world around them.
Currently we meet on 4th Wednesdays, with the hope to soon expand to another Wednesday during the month. To get connected, reach out to the Parish Office at
All of our Godly Play teachers have not only undergone training to help guide children into wondering about where their story meets Jesus' story, but also extensive Safe Church Child Protection trainings as well, in addition to a background check.
First Thursday Concerts
For years, St. Paul's has hosted lunchtime concerts on the First Thursday of each month from September to May. Local artists offer brief concerts with a program of their choice, and a free-will collection is made to support a non-profit of the artist's choice.
Guests are welcome to bring a lunch, enjoy a performance, and support local artists and causes in the Walla Walla Valley
Hope Street
Hope Street, a women's recovery house, is hosted on our parish campus. Understanding that the key to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction after primary rehabilitation is a return to an inviting, welcoming, supportive home, Hope Street provides women with an environment to support their continuing rehabilitation, including a resident recovery coordinator.
St. Paul's has been delighted to host Hope Street in the St. Paul's Rectory at no rent as our gift to their work since 2019.
For more information, visit
News about St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Walla Walla
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323 Catherine St
Walla Walla, WA 99362-3082
United States