St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Spokane
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Worship times
Second Harvest: Bites 2 Go
Second Harvest partners with schools and community partners for Bite2Go to get weekend food supplies to children in need during the school year. The Bite2Go kits include a good mix of healthy, kid-friendly, easy-to-open, single-serving, nonperishable food items to cover four meals and three snacks over the weekend. The shelf-stable milk, juice, cereal, entrees and snacks are safe for children to handle on their own because they don’t require any cooking or other preparation. Every Friday, staff members at participating schools put the packages of food discreetly in the backpacks of students in need. For more information contact Chris Sloan at 252-6283 or
Music Ministry
St. Stephen's has a vital music ministry directed by Carolyn Jess. The choir meets Sundays at 9:00am for practice and subsequently performs at the 10:15am service.
Basketball Camp
We teach basketball skills such as dribbling and shooting baskets, but, we also want to teach children life skills such as sportsmanship, teamwork, and a healthy lifestyle.
For more information on our camp and mission, please check out our ministry page on the St. Stephen's website here.
Youth Ministries
St. Stephen's provides Sunday School at the 10:15am service after the children's sermon which is set just before the homily. Our youth group meets every Sunday from noon to 2:00pm (grades 4th-12th), starting with lunch and prayer. The last weekend of the month the youth group is open to all ages and families for a special activity.
News about St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Spokane
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5720 S Perry St
Spokane, WA 99223-6349
United States