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Church of the Good Shepherd

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The Church of the Good Shepherd is the spiritual home for people from all walks of life who gather to celebrate the Catholic faith in the Anglican tradition.

What brings us together is reverential worship, characterized by outward and visible expressions of the devotion in our hearts. The Eucharist unites us as a community of Christ and gives us strength to go into the world to do the work God has given each of us to do.

The Church of the Good Shepherd, chartered in 1883, is an unusually traditional parish within the Episcopal Church, a parish that still walks in the paths of Anglican belief and practice. We trace our beginnings to the Oxford Movement, which sought to counter the secularization of the Anglican Church, focus on Christian service and recall the Church to its heritage of apostolic order and the Catholic doctrines of the early Church fathers. We are committed to upholding and propagating the historic faith and order of the Catholic Church as set forth in the Anglican tradition and in unity with the Anglican Communion.

We are a liturgical church, which means we worship together in a consistent and formalized manner, observing the seasons of the traditional church year and employing the liturgies and rituals of our rich Catholic heritage. We seek through our liturgies, music and community to provide a worshipful experience that fills hearts with the love of Christ, enriches minds and inspires us for Christian service.

We provide opportunities for prayer, study, reverence, charitable service and social interaction for all ages, as we strive to fulfill Jesus Christ’s command in Matthew 25:40 that we serve the least of these among us.

Worship times

8:00 am
Low Mass
9:00 am
Eucharist Adoration (9:00 Am to 10:20 AM (in Saint Mary's Chapel)
9:30 am
Church School and Adult Lectionary Class
9:30 am
10:30 am
Solemn Mass
12:05 pm
Holy Eucharist in St. Mary's Chapel
12:05 pm
Holy Eucharist in St. Mary's Chapel

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1512 Blanding St
Columbia, SC 29201-2907
United States


The Rev. Dr. James Fraser Lyon IV


The Rev. Deacon Fred Walters


Dr. David Lowry

Parish Musician

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Men's group
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Daughters of the King
Bible study
Youth group