Church of the Resurrection
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A Vision for Church of the Resurrection Episcopal
Our parish set out to discern a renewed vision in the summer of 2010. We gathered for meals, walks, oral history sessions, and via survey. As the Holy Spirit worked among us, we sensed the centrality of worship in our common life. From the gathering of Word and Sacrament flows all that we are. As we continue to plan for the future, we make the following our foundation.
Worship is the heart of our life in Christ.
Our Mission
We are a people rooted in worship, branching out into the world.
We offer sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving
We are a people centered in the praise of the God of Jesus Christ.
Our worship is creative, traditional, and open to all.
Our place of worship, the church proper, is our foremost building priority.
We continually strengthen our music, preaching, and lay liturgical ministries.
Our ministry begins in and returns to our Eucharistic gathering.
We gather in the Lord’s Name
Parish Life
Baptism and Eucharist constitute us as the people of God.
We mark the passing of time as Christians, living and celebrating the Christian calendar.
Our physical space makes our major events and feasts enjoyable, memorable, and formative.
We Proclaim and Respond to the Word of God
Christian Formation and Pastoral Care
Our Christian formation programs are rooted in our liturgical tradition.
Our re-imagined programs form us for worship and mission.
Our ancient tradition guides our pastoral care, marking new life, new relationships, and death.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord
Mission and Stewardship
Our worship forms us for mission.
Our community ministries transform the complexion of our worship community.
We make our neighborhood our parish.
We are led to offer our lives, labor, and treasure as sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving.
Worship times
Our 8:30 am service is quiet, contemplative, and uses the historic language of Rite I.
Our 10:30 service is enriched by our organ and parish choir and is a family-friendly, yet still traditional liturgy.
Volunteer opportunities
Resurrection is committed to a Kingdom-building ministry in the global and Greenwood communities. Our church gives substantially to community and social justice ministries. These include the Soup Kitchen, the Food Bank, Greater Greenwood United Ministries, Healthy Learners, A Child’s Place, and the Greenwood Cancer Fund. Overseas, we share in our diocesan mission in Cange, Haiti. In particular, we helped to build and still support the Bishop William A. Beckham School in Blanchard, Haiti, named for a former rector of our parish and bishop of our diocese. We sponsor a weekly tutoring program for elementary school students with the Greenwood County Public Library.
We are a downtown parish and live our ministry out in the heart of the city. Greenwood’s Soup Kitchen got its start in the basement of our Parish House, and many of our members were involved in the creation of United Ministries. We’ve built Habitat houses in several locations. We seek to raise up workers for all our outreach ministries and to discern God’s call to deepen our servant ministry. We are creating a community garden on Marion Avenue and enjoy life-giving relationships with Macedonia Baptist Church and the Westside Community Club.
The Mission Committee is charged with coordinating our parish’s involvement in the following local ministries. For more information, contact the committee chair, Christine Jayne
Resurrection directs this after-school tutoring program for children that takes place in our Sunday school rooms and at the Greenwood County Public Library. Volunteers meet with children on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons during the school year for assistance with homework and learning challenges. For more information, contact Chris Jayne.
Back Lot Fellowship
Parish members and our Westside neighbors cultivate a community garden and recreation space in our Marion Avenue Community Park. The area provides space for parish life and formation events throughout the year. Plans are underway to install a playground in this area. For more information, contact Joel Cleland.
Greater Greenwood United Ministries
GGUM is a cooperative ministry of many Greenwood churches. We support GGUM financially and through volunteer efforts that include physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lab-techs, administrators, interviewers, receptionists, and others. Its clinic provides dental services, medical services, and prescription medicine. Assistance with
rent, utilities, and other needs are offered as well.
Loaves & Fishes Lenten Project
The Loaves and Fishes project is a mission endeavor that The Church of the Resurrection has undertaken for more than 10 years. Sacrificing and sharing with those who are less fortunate relates to the Lenten season. A box and a list of instructions are distributed at the beginning of Lent and at the end of Lent the boxes are distributed to the needy clients of Greater Greenwood United Ministries (GGUM). Click here for instructions for filling your box.
The Food Bank
The Food Bank is part of the United Center for Community Care. It is open Monday-Friday, 10a.m. – 1 p.m. For volunteer opportunities, call 227-1556.
The Soup Kitchen
The Soup Kitchen also resides at the United Center for Community Care. Norm Fawcett is the current chair of the board. Several other members of the parish prepare and serve lunch there on Mondays and Thursdays.
Mission Fundraisers
Two annual events raise funds for our mission giving. At Mardi Gras, we gather for creole delights, oysters, and a silent auction. On Thanksgiving Day, we sponsor a road race, this year in the Gatewood subdivision. Volunteers are needed for the race. Please be in touch with Kim Russell or Lander Adams.
Our mission budget also includes several other ministries in Greenwood and beyond. For more information on our mission commitments, contact a member of the Mission Committee.
Sacred Ground Race Dialogue Circles
Sacred Ground is dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race, racism, and whiteness while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The 10-part series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories.
Sacred Ground is a resource coming out of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. This series is especially designed to help white people talk with other white people, while being open to all racial/ethnic groups. Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day – all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love.
700 Main St W
Greenwood, SC 29646-3211
United States