St. Michael and All Angels
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Preach, Teach, Heal and make Disciples
Welcome to St. Michael and All Angels! We are followers of Jesus Christ. We believe the most important thing we can do is worship Jesus and invite others into friendship with him. (Colossians 1:15-20; Revelation 5:12-13; Acts 17:28)
Worship times
Volunteer opportunities
Burton-Pack Elementary School Food Friends
Throughout the school year we collect food and fill backpacks for the students at Burton-Pack. For Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter we have special collections to make these holidays memorable for the families. E-mail our Burton-Pack coordinator if you would like to help with this ministry.
Christmas Angel Tree
We adopt families for Christmas providing gifts and the love of Jesus. The whole congregation participates in adopting families. E-mail our Christmas Angel Tree coordinator for more information.
Second Harvest
We collect food from local restaurants and deliver it to ministry partners in the city to help feed the hungry. There are two pick-ups/deliveries every week. E-mail our Second Harvest coordinator if you would like to help with this ministry.
Fresh Start Ministry
This program is sponsored by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church providing the homeless and those in need to food, clothing, showers, and laundry service each Thursday from 10:00 till 3:00. They provide a hot meal on the second and fourth Saturday of the month. We assist them with volunteering and providing donated food, clothing and toiletries.
American Red Cross
SMAA hosts an annual blood drive through the American Red Cross. E-mail our Outreach coordinator if you are interested in helping to organize or staff the drive.
Interfaith Food Drive for Richland 1 and Richland 2
At the end of the school year SMAA is invited by Forest Lake Presbyterian Church to join them and several other churches and synagogues in a food drive that will supply food throughout the summer break to students who are in need. Trader Joe’s provides the paper bags for this program.
Virginia Boys Home
The Boys’ Home of Virginia is a ministry partner of St. Michael’s that helps boys become men who are productive members of society by developing their potential—spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially. St. Michael’s sponsors a cottage of boys, makes quilts for the boys, and has an annual mission trip to the Boys’ Home. Contact Fr. Charles for more information on how to get involved.
6408 Bridgewood Rd
Columbia, SC 29206-2198
United States