St. Michael's Episcopal Church
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All of us here at St. Michael’s welcome you to join us and experience the Lord’s presence and joy. We are glad you are visiting us online and hope you will worship with us soon. St. Michael’s offers you an opportunity to grow in the Lord and experience God’s love in our worshiping community. We would love to get to know you. I trust you will find this Parish a place of enthusiasm for the Lord, where you and your family are welcomed and appreciated.
Worship times
Volunteer opportunities
Oyster Roast – This annual fundraiser continues to grow each year and has become one of St. Michael’s most anticipated events. It is held the second Saturday of March. In addition to all you can eat steamed oysters cooked on site, appetizers and brunswick stew are also served. The oyster roast is organized and run by members of the church who give their time to ensure this event is a success. Proceeds go to various local outreach ministries and charities.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - Held on Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, members share in his long-standing pre-Lenten tradition. For a nominal fee, enjoy pancakes, sausage, bacon, and beverages.
Spring Chicken BBQ - This annual community fundraising event is held in the spring at St. Michael’s. Members, friends, and individuals from surrounding areas enjoy barbeque chicken with all the fixings. Proceeds go to various outreach ministries and charities, locally, nationally,and world-wide.
SHINE Soup Kitchen - Volunteers from St. Michael’s Episcopal Church offer their time to feed the hungry and those less fortunate in Pickens County. This valuable outreach opportunity occurs at the SHINE Soup Kitchen, located in the Dream Center in Easley, on the second Monday of each month. We begin at 4:30 P.M. and welcome all helping hands.
Needlework Ministry – St. Michael’s needlework ministry meets the third Wednesday of the month from 1-3pm to knit and crochet. Projects include making prayer shawls for the palliative care unit at St. Francis Hospital.
Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up - We welcome all adults who would like to help clean up our adopted highway, Powdersville Road. This beautification project is fun and worthwhile. We meet quarterly, on a Saturday morning at 9:00 A.M. Come join us – you never know what you will find!!
1200 Powdersville Rd
Easley, SC 29642-2422
United States