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St. Paul's Parish

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St. Paul’s Parish is a Christian congregation of people who live in and around Baden. We include several generations. Some of us are lifelong members of the parish while others are recent arrivals. United in faith, we are diverse in many ways.

The Mission of St. Paul’s

What’s true of the Church in general is true of us as well. We understand our specific mission as "Opening our hearts and doors to share God’s grace in Southern Maryland and beyond."


Worship times

10:00 am
September through May at St. Paul’s, Baden.
June through August at St. Mary’s, Aquasco.


Food Pantries

Food Pantries

News about St. Paul's Parish

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13500 Baden Westwood Rd
Brandywine, MD 20613-8419
United States



The Rev. Christian Anton Lehrer


Organized groups

Education for Ministry (EFM)
Youth faith formation/Sunday school