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St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, DC

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St. Timothy’s Mission Statement: Following Jesus by living in love, walking by faith, and serving our community.

St. Timothy’s is a caring & inclusive church. Since the mission was established in 1944, St. Timothy’s Church has been committed to a caring and outreach ministry. It is shown in our personal commitment and dedication to building meaningful relationships with one another and members of the community.

Our community involvement is far-reaching in the S.E. community having served hundreds of families through our Child Development Center (CDC) which is the oldest CDC in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington serving the community for 37 years. The Men of St. Timothy's (MoST) assist families by providing food during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. 

Worship times

9:00 am
Holy Eucharist and Homily
10:15 am
Fellowship Hour and Adult Forum
11:00 am
Preschool Communion Service
11:30 am
Adult Holy Eucharist
12:15 pm
Lenten Study: Signs of Life-why church matters.
Begins Wednesday, March 4th.


Child Development Center

Career Services and Education

It is our goal at St. Timothy's Child Development Center to provide quality early care and a planned educational program for each child in our Center.  The Center has implemented the early learning standards for children entering kindergarten in the District of Columbia.

The Center is a place for fun and learning. We have an effective and flexible program to allow for maximum development cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally; building a strong foundation for school success and lifelong learning. 

News about St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, DC

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3601 Alabama Ave SE
Washington, MD 20020-2425
United States


The Rev. Todd Thomas


Organized groups

Boy Scouts
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Daughters of the King
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
Men's group
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Youth group