St. Mary Magdalene
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We are a family sized Episcopal Church, located in the Southern part of Kansas City. We are also the youngest congregation in our Diocese. We began small, moved to a store front, and moved into our new sacred space in 2010. We are a friendly, welcoming Christian community. Our motto is: Real, Rooted, and Relevant. We have an amazing music team, engaging sermons, and children’s ministry. We are engaged in a variety of outreach ministries, and hope we continue to grow in both depth and numbers.
Worship times
A wonderful mixture of Classical, Hymnal, and Contemporary sacred music.
Volunteer opportunities
We partner with Heart n Hand (local food pantry and support to the homeless), SingleMom KC (Bible-based ministry that offers job support, referral to legal and other help, workshops on healing from trauma, a free clothing and necessities boutique) and participate in mission trips to Haiti to support the birthing home (Maison de Naissance). Our parishioners are active in these organizations as well.
Our Community Garden provides produce for Heart n Hand food pantry.
We also have a chapter of Daughters of the King which supports various service projects throughout the year.
16808 Holmes Rd.
Belton, MO 64012
United States