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St. Timothy's in the Valley

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St. Timothy's is a healthy, growing, Christian community providing enrichment for the body, mind, and spirit of all people.


Welcome to St. Timothy's Episcopal Church. and thank you for checking us out on the web. We hope that you will come and check us out in person!  We strive to be a community where all people are welcome, where God's love is preached and lived, and where opportunities to grow in faith and service are offered.


St. Timothy's has been serving the greater Putnam County area for over 50 years.  Our current facility was built and renovated in 2006 in order to accommodate our growing ministry and membership.  Come and see what the St. Timothy's community can offer.


We look forward to meeting and welcoming YOU!

Worship times

9:30 am
Adult Sunday School (during the school year)
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II
5:30 pm
Small group Holy Eucharist Rite II with healing (no music)

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

There's plenty of room to volunteer -- from helping organize or staff our Monday night Community Meal open to all, collecting food items and staffing the Christian Community Cupboard food pantry (an ecumenical partnership of 16 churches in the Teays Valley area), staffing the Gabriel Project for new moms and infants, to serving as an usher, acolyte, lay reader, sunday school teacher, chalice bearer, choir member, etc. Come get involved!


FREE Monday Night Dinner

Meal Programs

Come join us each Monday from 5:30pm-6:15pm for a FREE dinner!

Christian Formation Ministries

Faith Formation

We provide a variety of opportunities for those of all ages to grow in their relationship with God:

  • Sunday School Classes
  • Children’s Chapel,
  • Adult Bible Study,
  • Vacation Bible School,
  • Lenten Programs,
  • Prayer Groups,
  • Diocesan Programs,
  • Spiritual Retreats (local and Diocesan),
  • Summer Camp,
  • Special Music, and Drama Programs 

These are just some of the offerings throughout the year. Our monthly newsletter, St. Timothy’s Tidings, will keep you updated on these and other programs. Call the church office at 304-562-9325 to be put on the mailing list.

Fellowship Ministries

Faith Formation

We like to get together for fun and fellowship! Often, these involve food of some sort. Examples of our regularly occurring fellowship opportunities include:

  • Lunch Bunch (monthly)
  • Women's Dinner and a Book Group (monthly)
  • Women’s Christmas party, 
  • The Greening of the Church (decorating for Christmas)

Other intermittently occurring fellowship activities include Sunday lunches, picnics, covered dish dinners, game nights, outings and youth activities.  We welcome suggestions for fellowship activities, so please don’t hesitate to share your ideas with us.

Children and Youth Ministries

Children and Youth Ministries

At St. Timothy’s, children and youth are a high priority. Children and young people are encouraged to participate in all aspects of church life.  Activities are planned and coordinated through our Children's Ministry Committee.

For young children, a well-attended nursery and a creative Children’s Chapel are available for use during worship. Activity bags and children’s books are available at the entrance to the sanctuary for children to use during worship.  A Vacation Bible School is organized, often in partnership with other local churches, in the summer.  We typically do a children's Christmas play or other event. 

Our older youth are very active as acolytes, assistants with Children’s Ministry activities, lectors, and in Diocesan youth activities. Our young people are represented on the Vestry.

Sunday Morning Ministries

Faith Formation

It takes many people to make the Sunday morning education and worship experience positive and spiritually rich.  We invite you to consider participating in one or more or these ministries.  (Training is available for all ministries).  The following is a list of possibilities:  music (vocal and instrumental), acolyte, usher, altar guild, chalice bearer, lector, greeter, coffee maker, coffee clean up, Children's Chapel leader, Nursery attendant, etc.  Older children, as well as middle and high school youth, are encouraged to participate or assist in each of these ministries.   

Christian Community Cupboard

Donation Coordination/Distribution

We work with several other churches in the area to provide food for low-income families through the Christian Community Cupboard (CCC). Food donations can be brought to the church at any time. Twice a year volunteers from St. Timothy’s staff the CCC for two weeks at a time. Children collect a special "loose change" offering for the Cupboard once a month during worship.

Gabriel Project

Donation Coordination/Distribution

This ministry assists pregnant women and infants with supplies (diapers, clothing, cribs, car seats, etc.) at no or very little cost.  In addition, this ministry can help link women and infants with other area services they may find of benefit.  The ministry is staffed by volunteers and provided on-site at the church, during defined hours each week.  

Substance Abuse and Recovery Ministries

Aging, Health and Wellbeing

We have linkages to and offer our facility for use by local Alcoholics Anonymous as well as Narcotics Anonymous groups.  In addition, we actively support the Rea of Hope House located in Charleston through such efforts as providing donations, serving meals, and offering leadership.  Rea of Hope is a residential ministry to women who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. For more information, contact the Rector.

Deep Griha USA Partner

Donation Coordination/Distribution

St. Timothy's is one of four church partners of Deep Griha USA -- a Columbus based organization that raises funds for and supports exciting and extensive community development work undertaken by the Deep Griha Society, Pune India.  Deep Griha provides a host of programs and services that help those in Pune's urban slums and nearby rural villages develop skills and community systems to make life better for themselves and their families. Deep Griha's work includes health programs, day cares, schools, job and skill training, HIV/AIDS outreach and education, women's empowerment initiatives, linkages to higher education and internships for local students, etc.    

A Community Meeting and Gathering Place

Mission Trips and Partnerships

St. Timothy's is happy to host a  variety of local community groups that use our facility.  These include a local Scout troops, MOMs club, AA and NA meetings, concerts, Putnam County Schools for kindergarten registration, the Red Cross for local blood drives, etc. We have a fellowship hall, meeting rooms, a kitchen, bathrooms, worship space, piano, parking lot, etc.  We are readily accessible and easily visible on Route 34 in the Hurricane / Teays Valley community.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Arts & Culture

A dedicated group of parishioners create beautiful shawls to be blessed and distributed to folks who are in special need of prayer -- be it for causes of celebration or sorrow.  While much of the work is done individually, the group meets in person intermittently as well.  When people receive these shawls, it is our hope that they fell wrapped in God's love and the love of the St. Timothy's faith community.

International Relationships

Deep Griha Society


Deep Griha is a Community Development Organization in Pune, India.  The organization engages residents of slum communities and surrounding rural areas in health, education, job training, and other community-driven initiatives aimed at advancing their own and their families hopes for the future.  St. Timothy's has supported the organization for many years serving on the board of Deep Griha USA, hosting visitors from Deep Griha when stateside, supporting community development programs, etc.

Contact person
Cathy Slemp

News about St. Timothy's in the Valley

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3434 Teays Valley Rd
Hurricane, WV 25526-9279
United States

Email address


The Ven. Andy Bird


Katie Conley

Parish Administrator

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Bible study
Boy Scouts
Education for Ministry (EFM)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Girl Scouts
Godly Play
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
Youth faith formation/Sunday school

Other community groups

MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support)
Twelve Step Programs (NA/AA)
Girl Scouts
Autism Support Group
Centering Prayer Group