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La Capilla de Santa Maria

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Welcome to La Capilla de Santa Maria. We are a Hispanic Mission Church located in the Hendersonville Western North Carolina. 

Our mission is to bring the congregation to a higher level of Christian formation, faith, fellowship and education,  supporting the local families and community by building bridges between the Anglo Culture and the Latino/Hispanic people.

Worship times

11:00 am
Holy Eucharist
3rd Sunday
11:00 am
Healing Service


Beyond Boarders

Immigration Services
Racial Reconciliation

In partnership with Beyond Borders:  Diocesan Committee for Hispanic Ministries. 

Beyond Borders, the Hispanic ministry task force for the Diocese of Western North Carolina (WNC), was formed by the Rev. Austin Rios with the hopes of overcoming the barriers to ministry with and among Spanish Speakers in the region. We have discerned a call to:

  • Raise consciousness of WNC Clergy and parishioners about the legal and civil rights issued faced by Hispanics/Latinos in our diocese (
  • Create and sustain ministry opportunities between Spanish and English speaking populations
  • Encourage Christians of all races and ethnicities to go “beyond the borders” of their current cultural context to better be in relationship with their neighbor.

We seek to be a voice that shares the Biblical call to be welcoming to all and stand up for human rights regardless of nationality, race, or language. As Deuteronomy 27:19 states, “Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the alien, the fatherless, or the widow.” Then all the people shall say, “Amen!”

To learn more about the Biblical basis for our ministry click here: (

News about La Capilla de Santa Maria

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