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About Episcopal Church in Connecticut
The Episcopal Church in Connecticut, small in geography and large in number of parishes, is committed to participating in God's mission in thought, word, and deed. Wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to learn with us, worship with us, and, when it feels right for you–to come alongside us and join our beloved community!
History: The Episcopal Church in Connecticut is the oldest organized diocese in The Episcopal Church. It formally began with the consecration of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury as Bishop of Connecticut on November 14, 1784 in Aberdeen, Scotland. Seabury was the first bishop for The Episcopal Church, as well. Bishop Seabury convened the first Convocation (Convention) the following year in Middletown, Connecticut.
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2021 Young Adult and Campus Ministry Grant Recipient - Episcopal Church at Yale, The Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Episcopal Church at Yale, The Episcopal Church in Connecticut - $7,991
Campus Ministry Grants provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative campus ministries or to enhance a current ministry.