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Immanuel Episcopal Church

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Immanuel Episcopal Church is a Christian Community, which seeks to celebrate God’s inclusive love as expressed through our Savior, Jesus Christ, and to embody it in the world. 

At Immanuel, we strongly believe in the ministry of all the baptized. We believe that every individual is called by God to be an agent of God's compassion to the world. We believe that God endowed each of us with unique skills and talents to be used in fulfilling this call to serve others. We believe that Baptism celebrates this special relationship that each person is called to have with God. We believe all the baptized are empowered to use his or her abilities in Christ's name.

Therefore, we believe every individual is a minister at Immanuel. Every individual is called and empowered to serve as God's agent. Our members serve as parents, school teachers, truck drivers, counselors, nurses, secretaries, and factory workers. In their everyday lives, each member of the parish is called to proclaim the good news that all are reconciled to God in Christ.

In essence, all of our everyday is ministry, life is ministry, if we let it be so. In our baptism, we entered into a covenant with God: a living promise with a loving, trustworthy "other", and we vowed to pray, to resist evil, to proclaim the Good News, to seek Christ in all persons and to strive for justice and peace.

When we listen to a co-worker who is troubled, we are listening with the ears of Christ. When we compete in the Special Olympics, we run with the feet of Christ. When we catch the eye of a student who has been struggling with a math problem and give an encouraging smile, we are seeing with the eyes of Christ. When we tell our children or grandchildren they are loved, we are speaking with the voice of Christ. It is imperative that we understand that wherever we are in the world, we are doing the ministry of Christ.

Thus at Immanuel we have moved away from the traditional model of ministry: one priest and one congregation. We have moved into a new way of being together. This continues to be a life-giving journey. More and more of the ministry that happens at Immanuel does so because of the people, not just the priest. Join us in ministry toward a new creation!









Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

We have a thrift store that always need volunteers. We also have lay greeters and readers on Sunday morning.



Donation Coordination/Distribution

The Community Closet is our thrift store open to the public on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm. If you wish to donate clothing or housewares, please do so when we are open. The Closet is accessed by the driveway off of School St. that is directly across from the United Church of Bellows Falls. All proceeds directly support social service efforts and organizations in our community. Volunteers are needed; please speak with Beau in the church office.


Faith Formation

Stone Church Arts is celebrating twelve years of concerts. Immanuel Retreat Center presents classes, workshops and retreats. Together they comprise Stone Church Center. We rent to non-profit, educational and other tax-exempt groups with overnight accommodations, catering, and daytime conference and performance space available. We offer spiritual direction and space to individuals for personal retreats. Please visit for more information.


Donation Coordination/Distribution

The Communit Christmas Fund helps provide Christmas to families in Bellows Falls. The Fund is generated each year from a special Sunday collection to which people donate their quarters and other loose change. It is also supported by the Community Closet Thrift Store Fund.

News about Immanuel Episcopal Church

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20 Church St
P.O. Box 64
Bellows Falls, VT 05101-1515
United States



Scott Belt

LEM, Lay Minister, Communications

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step

Other community groups

Alcoholics Anonymous, Vipassana Meditation Group