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About Episcopal Diocese of West Texas
Our Core Values
We pattern our lives on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
Scripture, prayer, and sacramental worship
We are grounded in Scripture, prayer, and sacramental worship.
We proclaim, by word and example, God's saving love revealed in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.
We reach beyond ourselves to serve all people in our communities and throughout the world.
We are a community committed to living in reconciled relationship with God and all people.
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Featured Stories From Around the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas
St. Martin's Creates Campaign to Eliminate $3 Million in Existing Medical Debt in 7 Counties
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Mason, TX is partnering with its sister congregations of the Northern Convocation of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, other supporters, and the non-profit Undue Medical Debt to alleviate the financial and emotional burdens of unpaid medical bills.