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St. David's Episcopal Church

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St. David’s Statement of Welcome

St. David’s Episcopal Church is committed to following Jesus’ example of practicing radical hospitality, seeking to find God in all people because they are of sacred worth.We welcome all persons, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental capacity, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic or marital status. All are invited as full participants in the life and ministries of our community of faith.

St. David’s Mission Statement

At St David’s Episcopal Church, we are devoted to loving and serving God, one another and the world. We honor the dignity and freedom for all to seek God at their own pace, connecting our life stories with the teachings of Jesus.  Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we believe our actions transform the world and as a result we, too, are transformed.

Founded in 1952, St. David’s is home to Christians who gather here to worship, serve, learn and play. Whether you are interested in learning more about your faith in Christ through education opportunities, or you are looking for a Christian community that promises to seek and serve Christ in all persons, St. David’s is worth a visit!

News about St. David's Episcopal Church

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