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About Diocese of San Diego
Undeterred by borders or barriers, we are pilgrims with Jesus in relentlessly searching for others to befriend, know and invite to Christ's Eucharistic table of reconciliation and sacrificial love.
We are 40 congregations that seek to share Christ's love, light, and hope with all people. We are a household of God filled with fallible people doing our best to live into the dream of God instead of the nightmare of human creation. We support one another and we seek to cross barriers in society, politics, families, and communities.
We invite you to join us in this holy work and life.
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Featured Stories From Around the Diocese of San Diego
2024 Becoming Beloved Community Grant Recipient - Racial Justice and Reconciliation Task Force of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, San Diego, Calif.
Forty Becoming Beloved Community grants supporting the work of racial justice, healing, reconciliation, and creation care were approved by The Episcopal Church’s Executive Council during its A