St. Jude's Episcopal Church
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St. Jude's is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The diocese is a part of Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (ECUSA), which is in turn a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We seek to be a faithful expression of Christ's One, Holy, and Apostolic Church in the Choctawhatchee Bay Area.
We are a protestant Church.
In the tradition of the Reformation, the Episcopal Church, like its Anglican forbears has always worshipped and encouraged the reading and study of scripture in the language of the people. During the Reformation, that meant worship in English and translation of the Bible from Latin to English. Today, that means that contemporary language liturgies and contemporary music are available which make worship more accessible and meaningful for many people.
Our worship originates from deep roots in the early church, and is in the catholic tradition which includes a sacramental understanding of worship, a strong liturgy in continuity with the best of the catholic tradition, a three-fold order of ordained ministers, including bishops, priests, and deacons, and bishops who are in the apostolic succession.
We are a liturgical and sacramental church.
Our worship is ordered in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer, which has its roots in the English Reformation and the first Book of Common Prayer written by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1549. The liturgy provides a structure and shape to our worship that comes directly from the worship of the earliest church and even beyond, into the synagogue worship of our Jewish forbears. We celebrate the sacraments
We are also a deeply scriptural church.
Each Sunday, we read and hear a very significant amount of scripture in worship. There is an Old Testament reading, followed by a Psalm that we all read responsively, then a New Testament reading from the Epistles, Acts or Revelation, and finally a Gospel reading. Preaching is deeply rooted in the scriptural readings for the day, and intended to open the scriptures' meaning for our own lives today.
Worship times
Children's Sunday School for ages 3 through fifth grade
Donations Coordination/Distribution
Among our many donation outreach ministries, St. Jude's:
- - collects food donations at each church service and delivers them to Sharing & Caring the following Monday.
- - collects back to school supplies for those less fortunate as part of this Niceville Sharing & Caring program.
- - collects food for Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets to make a complete dinner with a gift coupon that can be used to buy a ham or turkey. St. Judes’ volunteers deliver the baskets to families designated by Niceville Sharing & Caring.
- - coordinates a Christmas Angel Tree that has ornaments with ages of children and their requests for clothes or toys. Angel Tree ornaments are made by our children’s Sunday school classes and placed on the Angel Tree. Members of the congregation take ornaments and return them with a wrapped gift that matches that requested on the ornament. Gifts are distributed to their respective families with their Christmas basket.
- - Jr. EYC coordinates pet food and supplies for a no-kill pet shelter each fall in conjunction with our Blessing of the Animals service.
- - Jr. EYC also collects coats for less fortunate children in our area.
- - participates in a Shoe Box program by collecting toiletries and small gifts for the needy through Waterfront Rescue Mission in Fort Walton Beach.
- - delivers hot and cold meals to over 1000 less fortunate families in our area on the 4th Saturday of each month as part of the "Supper on Saturday" program coordinated between several Niceville churches.
Sewing Guild
Sewing Guild makes various items such as quilts and clothing for needy children which they donate to elementary schools, hospitals, and children’s organizations locally and throughout the world. Additionally in 2014 they made donations to Sharing and Caring, Camp Beckwith, Wilmer Hall, and Episcopal Relief & Development.
Men's Fellowship Group
The Men's Group meets weekly for Bible study and fellowship. One Sunday a month they cook and serve a pancake breakfast between services. The Men’s Fellowship group supports outreach and inreach programs with their time and funds raised from pancake breakfast events and donations. In 2014 they supported Sharing & Caring, Trinity Hall rebuild program, Wilmer Hall, Camp Beckwith and other outreach programs.
200 Partin Dr N
Niceville, FL 32578-1244
United States