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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

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All Sunday services have Holy Eucharist according to Rite II of the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer. St. Andrew’s is part of the global Anglican Communion, the Episcopal Church of the United States, and the Diocese of Dallas. 

Worship times

9:00 am
More contemporary led by praise musicians singing a mixture of modern and traditional Christian music accompanied by guitar, bass, keyboard, and drums.
11:10 am
More traditional worship service, with hymns led by our adult choir.

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities
Opportunities for mission groups

Hands & Feet Outreach Ministry enables believers to live sacramentally, seeming and serving Christ in all people. We take a three-fold approach: to “help the helpers” in our area by supporting those doing the work that aligns with our call, to address gaps in the services provided in our mission field, and to advocate for social justice.


International Relationships

St. Jerome’s Anglican Church

Contact person
Dana Jean

News about St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

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6400 McKinney Ranch Pkwy
McKinney, TX 75070-2350
United States

Email address


Lisa Ostrowski

Outreach Director - Office Administrator

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Bible study
Daughters of the King
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
Men's group
Youth group