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St. Peter's Cathedral

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As the Cathedral of the Episcopal Diocese of Montana, our worship centers on God's saving grace through the person of Jesus Christ.

Hisotry:  Helena was a raucous gold-mining town when Bishop Daniel Sylvester Tuttle and The Rev. E. N. Goddard held their first Sunday services on August 11, 1867.  Sunday streets were crowded with men and teams.  Auctioneers were selling wares, hurdy-gurdy houses were thronged and more than 100 businesses were open.  Sunday was not the Lord's Day!  It was a day for miners to come to town, stock up on supplies, and relax.

On a subsequent visit, Bishop Tuttle formed a Bishop's committee to create an Episcopal mission in Helena.  He launched this effort by celebrating Holy Eucharist at the courthouse on March 28, 1869.  Later that year, he paid $1,200 for property on which to build a church.  At the intersection of Warren and Grand Streets, a stone church, complete with a bell tower, was soon finished for the price of $12,000.  The original bell and brass altar rail still grace our church today.  You can find a painting of that first building in the stairway at the back of the church.  Holy Eucharist was first celebrated there on October 19, 1879, and the building was consecrated on November 11, 1881.

In 1927, The Rev. Henry Daniels began a capital campaign for a new and larger church.  The present land on Park Ave. was purchased in 1930.  Bishop William F. Faber laid the cornerstone on September 10, 1931.  Harold Whitehouse, who also built Episcopal churches in Missoula, Butte and the Cathedral in Spokane, was the architect.  The cost was $90,000 - a huge sum and an act of faith for the parish during the Great Depression.  Bishop Faber dedicated the new church on Easter, March 27, 1932, and designated it the pro-cathedral of the diocese.  Father Daniels became the first of seven deans of the cathedral (The Very Rev. Charles Wilson, The Very Rev. Raymond Brown, The Very Rev. Jim Reeves, The Very Rev. Arch Hewitt, The Very Rev. Steve Brehe, and our current dean, The Very Rev. Heidi Kinner), until it reverted to parish status in the mid 1990's.  In November, 2004, St. Peter's was once again dedicated the cathedral church of the diocese.  In 1941 the church built a deanery for Dean Wilson and his family, which now serves as the Diocesan offices.  An eduational building was added in 1959 and later named Wilson Hall in honor of Dean Wilson's 26 years of service.

Today, Sundays in Helena are a bit quieter.  St. Peter's has raised up many community leaders over the years which all began with the pioneering men and women of Helena in the latter half of the nineteenth century.  

Helena is the state capitol of Montana.  It is nestled in a beautiful valley surrounded by several mountain ranges, including the Elkhorns, the Little Belts and the Big Belts.  The Missouri River flows on the outskirts of town.  

Worship times

8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:15 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:30 am
Holy Eucharist
8:00 am
Morning Prayer
Second and Fourth Saturday of the month (September - May)
5:30 pm
Togendowagan Society Native American service including Eucharist

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

Opportunities for Bargain Basement (thrift store) work; assistance to parishioners (visiting, yard work, minor repairs, etc.) involvement in various community organizations such as Helena Food Share collections and kid's pack preparation; God's Love meals, NAMI Walk, Crop Walk, Stuff the Bus; ECW events such as the making of Plum Puddings in the fall and the Mother's Day Tea in the Spring, as well as receptions for funerals and other special events.


Helping Hands


This ministry coordinates supports and services to parishioners and other community members in need.  The service may provide transportation to doctor appointments, yard work, visits to shut-ins, etc.  The ministry is on an "as needed" basis and is coordinated by one of our deacons.

Children and Youth Ministries

Children and Youth Ministries
Faith Formation

We have an active Sunday School program for children  Kindergarten through 5th-grade children.  

The Youth group for 6 - 12th-grade students meets Wednesday evenings during the school year.  Each meeting consists of games, a shared meal, and time to discuss the Bible and its lessons. There are also volunteer opportunities offered as part of the regular Wednesday night activities.   During the summer months, there are varied activities such as hikes, campouts, bowling and movie outings.

Social Concerns

Donation Coordination/Distribution
Food Pantries
Meal Programs

This committee is responsible for raising awareness of community needs, it coordinates volunteers for a minimum of two events for Helena Food Share annually (a collection day in the community plus a day to either sort food or package Kid's Packs [food for school - aged children for weekends], preparation and serving of a meal to God's Love (a local homeless ministry), and volunteer dinner hosts and overnight hosts for Helena Family Promise.  Additionally funds are provided to area organizations on a regular basis:  God's Love (for homeless persons), Helena Food Share (food pantry), Family Promise (a program to assist homeless families), the YWCA (services to women), the Friendship Center (for victims of domestic violence), the Florence Crittenton Home (for young women and their babies); and Good Samaritan ministries (which funds a variety of services and supports to people in need).

The committee also raises funds for an annual scholarship to Grace Camp - a week of camp for children and youth who have one or both parents incarcerated, offered through the Diocese of Montana.  A mission family serving n Bolivia was supported for three years in their work through World Vision.  The committee also coordinates collection activities to support Episcopal Relief and Development.

The committee sponsors an annual visit by Bike & Build, a group of young cyclists who trael the country helping to provide housing   St. Peter's provides meals, a place to sleep and showers during their stay.  The Committee also sponsors an annual collection of school supplies (Stuff the Bus), and has sponsored an Angel Tree for Christmas gifts to community children.

The committee coordinates advocacy eforts on behalf of the congregation with the Montana legislature through the Montana Association of Christians, as well as on our own.

News about St. Peter's Cathedral

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511 N Park Ave
P.O. Box 819
Helena, MT 59624-0819
United States

Email address


The Very Rev. Scott Anderson


Rev. Dcn. Donna Gleaves

Parish Administrator

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Young adult group
Neighborhood associations
Godly Play
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Bible study
Youth group

Other community groups

Family Promise
Grandstreet Summer Camp