Grace Episcopal Church
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Whoever you are, where ever you are on your journey of faith you are welcome here. We pray that you will find at Grace a place to grow, learn, explore, question and build a relationship with God, Creation and One another. For more than 180 years, Christians have gathered at 19 Kings Hwy East in Haddonfield.
In its most recent iteration Grace has become a place of solace, refuge and peace for folks of a variety of religious experience or none. The Church is an imperfect institution but we strive to live into the promises made in baptism, to seek Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves, respecting the dignity of every human being, and pursuing justice, freedom and peace. This is the essence of what Christ taught us. The community at Grace longs to invite everyone into the loving embrace of God.
The style of worship that is observed here can seem odd if it is not something folks have experienced. As the gathered community, a basic outline of our “pew aerobics” is that as people we stand to proclaim and sing, sit to listen and learn, kneel to ask and receive blessings and forgiveness. Participate in these physical postures in the way that is best for you, do not harm yourself in order to participate in prayer. All bodies are beautiful and created in the image of God and we recognize that not all bodies move in the same way. These physical postures are meant to turn our hearts and minds towards the Almighty, they are not in and of themselves part of the observance of the common life in prayer.
The Episcopal Church recognize baptism of all traditions which baptize in the name of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and all are welcome to receive communion in both kinds- we have gluten free bread available at request, and we use wine for the blood of Christ. Folks are welcome to abstain from either the bread, the wine or both or come forward for a blessing during the sacrament of Holy Eucharist.
Worship times
19 Kings Hwy E
Haddonfield, NJ 08033-2001
United States