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Trinity Cathedral

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Worship times

8:00 am
Rite I in All Saints' Chapel
10:30 am
Rite II Eucharist in the Cathedral
12:10 pm
Healing Eucharist in the Chapel
10:00 am
live stream
Rite II Eucharistic Livestream:


Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

We welcome volunteers who are interested in helping pick up food, pack bags or organize Saturday distribution for our Food Pantry Guests. Our satellite feeding site for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen is run entirely by volunteers who serve meals on Thursday evenings. On Friday afternoons, a community luncheon is cooked and served by our Loaves & Fishes program, operated entirely by volunteers. We offer volunteer-led health and wellness presentations for community members and during summer, a Farmer's Market where we sell fresh food and produce. On Sundays, our lay eucharistic ministers distribute communion at the Hamilton Grove Care and Rehabilitation Center. Our gardens and walking trail are maintained, in large part, by volunteers. We feature an all-volunteer Absalom Jones Inspirational Choir at our 10:30 am Sunday Mass. Please call the Cathedral office at (609) 392-3805 if you are interested in exploring any of these opportunities!


Trinity Cathedral Altar Guild Shop

Economic Development

The Cathedral's Altar Guild Shop stocks a wide range of items for churches and individuals. Please visit our page to browse our catalog.

Urban Promise

Children and Youth Ministries

The mission of Urban Promise is to equip children and young adults with the skills necessary for academic achievement, life management, spiritual growth and Christian leadership. Since 1988, UrbanPromise has been hosting summer camps throughout the city of Camden, New Jersey. Thousands of children have participated in these dynamic summer camps located throughout the city of Camden. Over the years the model of Urban Promise has been taken to other cities such as Wilmington, Toronto, Vancouver, Miami, Copan Ruinas, Honduras and throughout the country of Malawi.

In July 2011 Trenton was added to the list and Trinity Cathedral became the newest UrbanPromise site! Through this partnership Urban Promise and Trinity Cathedral provide a dynamic FREE summer camp experience to the children of Trenton. The first After-School Program began October 3, 2011.

Trinity Cathedral Academy Pre-School

Children and Youth Ministries

Trinity Cathedral Academy is located in the historic Berkeley section of West Trenton, New Jersey. The Academy opened in 1965 as an Episcopal Day School.

In 1988, Trinity Cathedral Academy joined with the Trenton Public School District and the NJ State Department of Education to become a community provider of high-quality, full-day, full year Abbott Pre-School Program. The Academy has evolved into a no-cost Abbott program for 3- and 4-year-old children with an extended day program providing before and after-school childcare.

A staff of more than ten professional and support personnel provides daily instructions and other services.

The Lay Eucharistic Ministry at Hamilton Grove Care & Rehabilitation Center

Aging, Health and Wellbeing

Administrated through Trinity Cathedral, the Lay Eucharistic Service, held at the Hamilton Grove Care & Rehabilitation Center, in Hamilton Township, New Jersey, provides opportunity for corporate worship and pastoral care in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ to the facility’s geriatric, infirm, and convalescing patients. The service, drawn from the Book of Common Prayer and the Book of Occasional Services of the Episcopal Church of America, includes prayer, scriptural readings, Holy Communion, and the laying on of hands; and accommodates over 2,000 people, annually. This important ministry in service to God is scheduled for every Sunday, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am and is currently supported by volunteers from Trinity Cathedral and from Grace – St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, in Mercerville, New Jersey. Participation from other interested parishes and individuals is always welcomed – feel free to contact the cathedral to see how you can become involved in furthering this effort, while discerning the call to serve.

Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County

Aging, Health and Wellbeing

Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County is a member of a coalition of organizations, both social service and religious, working together to assist senior citizens and those with disabilities remain in their homes and stay independent. It provides non-medical support services. While Interfaith Caregivers strengthens the outreach ministries of Trinity Cathedral and our neighborhood by keeping in touch with our homebound, it also can link individuals to appropriate community health care and social service providers. 

Here at Trinity, caregivers generally provide transportation to medical appointments and shopping, reassuring phone calls and greeting cards, all of which are carried out in confidentiality and are free of charge. During the Peace, we each can greet each other with a smile and maybe a hug. You might also consider giving a ride to someone in need of one. Interfaith Caregivers does provide tertiary insurance. 

If you are interested in participating in this ministry through Interfaith Caregivers, please talk to Dean John or give Interfaith Caregivers a call at (609) 393-9922. They are located at 3635 Quakerbridge Rd., Hamilton, NJ 08619. The mandatory short training is free and full of information that you yourself will find helpful. The friendships you develop are priceless. 

Youth Group

Children and Youth Ministries

Youth Group meetings are held monthly, and all youth grades 6-12 are welcome to join us. There will be many exciting activities taking place both locally and Diocesan-wide. Come, join us, and meet new people and make new acquaintances. 

A bit of history on our Youth Group:
There was no organized Youth Group at the Cathedral, and after listening to the requests of the youth of the Cathedral a meeting was held in 2011, where seven young persons shared ideas. It was agreed that the youth group will meet monthly. Over the years we have seen a fluctuation in numbers ranging from eight to thee members but we have pressed on in faith. Our Youth Group participates in Diocesan activities such as the Youth Council Governing Board, the Bishop's Ball, the Youth Lock-in and the Martin Luther Kings, Jr. day of service. Local activities include lessons on scripture from our Clergy, clothing drives, sporting events and Christmas gift exchanges. 

Altar Service: Altar Guild, Acolytes, Flower Guild and Greeters/Ushers


Altar Guild -

The Trinity Cathedral Altar Guild cares for the altars, vestments, vessels, and linens used in the services. They are a welcoming presence at the cathedral and diocesan events. They maintain an orderly, peaceful, atmosphere in the sacristies, strive to assure that supplies are on hand at all times for services and general uses, and share from our treasures as requested by our Bishop. Most of all, the Altar Guild prays for each other and for those who worship with us, that all may be done to God’s glory.

Acolytes - 

The ministry of acolytes is open to all parishioners from third graders through to adults. To be an acolyte is to be a minister serving at the altar of God, handling holy things, assisting the priest and deacon, and helping everyone at church see something of the goodness and glory of God. Training for acolytes is provided. 

Flower Guild - 

The Flower Guild provides flowers and plants for the altars of Trinity Cathedral. We thank our supporters for sponsoring altar flowers for various Sundays to commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, and the departed. The Flower Guild is grateful to be able to create dozens of floral arrangements to be taken to homebound and hospitalized parishioners, from flowers placed on our altars! The Flower Guild also supplies flowers and plants for funerals, special events and Diocesan-side services including Confirmations, Ordinations and annual meetings. The Flower Guild manages the creation of the Easter Gardens, palms and Easter flowers, the Thanksgiving arrangement and the greening of the Cathedral for Christmas. We welcome new volunteers who would like to try their hand at arranging (training will be enthusiastically provided!) and assistance from those who would like to help transport flowers and plants for various occasions. 

Greeters/Ushers - 

Our Greeters and Ushers serve at our Sunday worship services and at various Diocesan and special events. They are stationed at the various entrances to the cathedral and offer a friendly greeting to visitors and parishioners alike. They provide service bulletins and event programs to arriving guests, offer directions to those new to our space, and assist those with disabilities. Our Ushers assist during our worship by collecting the Offertory, directing worshipers when it is time to come up for communion and notifying our clergy when someone needs communion brought out to them.   




Choirs - 

The Absalom Jones Inspirational Choir features men and women from all walks of life who have dedicated themselves to singing the praises of God.  Choir rehearsal is held each Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 pm during the fall, winter, and spring, with time off in the summer. 

Trinity’s other vocal ensembles include the Trinity Singers, Women’s Ensemble, Cathedral Chant Choir and Children's Choir.

Christian Education


Sunday School -

Sunday School is held each Sunday at 10:30 am in Synod Hall, except on Family Sundays (the 4th Sunday of each month) when children are encouraged to accompany their parents for the entire worship. Children will enjoy activities and instruction and will enter the service at the peace. If you have not yet registered your child, please speak with Dean John or Andrea John, or call Eileen Schueller at (215) 295-3996. Looking forward to welcoming your children!

Adult Christian Education - 

Trinity’s Adult Education programs promote intellectual adventure and spiritual inquiry in the true Anglican spirit. Activities include book study groups and interfaith forums. Our traditional Lenten Series is a series of presentations based on various spiritual teachings. Topics have included: “Spiritual Heroes - featuring a conversation with Krista Tippett and Joan Chittister on Frontiers of Faith,” “Embracing a Life of Meaning - featuring A Conversation with Kathleen Norris,” and “God For Us!: Lessons from the Great Vigil of Easter”. Typically, we have five weekly sessions; each one begins with an (optional) Stations of the Cross in All Saints’ Chapel at 6:00 pm, followed by a soup supper at 6:30 pm and our Lenten program immediately following. Presentations have included audio and visual components, small and larger-group study, and have been led by both lay people and clergy.

Transportation Ministry


Our parishioners organize and operate a transportation ministry (or, as it has affectionately come to be known, a "Van Ministry") that assists other parishioners in need of a ride to attend services here at the cathedral. Volunteers are needed to pick up one or more parishioners, using their own vehicles, to bring them to church and home afterward. A group of regular volunteers produces a periodic schedule including our riders' contact information and addresses, and every attempt is made to be flexible to accommodate drivers' schedules (i.e., if you can only pick someone up, someone else will handle the "take home".) Please contact the cathedral office if you would like to volunteer!

News about Trinity Cathedral

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801 W. State St
Trenton, NJ 08618-5390
United States

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Bible study
Youth group

Other community groups

UrbanPromise Trenton
Trinity Cathedral Academy Pre-School
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen satellite feeding site
Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County
The Anti-Poverty Network
The NJ Council of Churches