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Christ Episcopal Church

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Christ Episcopal Church, Ironton, Ohio, is an open, engaged and inclusive community, responding to God in our neighbors and ourselves with hope and service in Christ.

Worship times

9:15 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II (contemporary language)

Congregational music is primarily sourced from Hymnal 1982.

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

Contact us if you feel called to share your time, talents, or resources as we respond to God in our community through one of our ministries.


Ministries within the congregation

Faith Formation

There are opportunities for our members to share their talents and gifts. If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, contact the churchand we’ll help you become involved.

Altar Guild: Parishioners prepare the altar for Sunday worsh ip services and care for the appointments in the church.

Buildings and Grounds: Parishioners work in the churchyard and gardens and provide TLC to our property.

Coffee Hour Hospitality Ministry: Parishioners volunteer to offer refreshments during Coffee Hour, a time of fellowship following the 9:15 a.m. service on Sundays. 

Eucharistic Ministers: Laypersons licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist (Holy Communion).

Lectors: Lectors are folks who volunteer to read the appointed scripture lessons for each service.

Ushers: Every Sunday at the 9:15 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist and on other Holy Days, volunteer ushers greet worshipers as they arrive and perform other duties during worship.

News about Christ Episcopal Church

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501 Park Ave
Ironton, OH 45638-1546
United States

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Bible study
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors