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All Saints' Episcopal Church, Portsmouth

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Established in 1819, All Saints' Church, Portsmouth, Ohio, is to be an open, engaged and inclusive community, responding to God in our neighbors and ourselves with hope and service in Christ.

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Worship times

11:15 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II (contemporary language)

Congregational music is primarily sourced from Hymnal 1982 and its supplements, accompanied by pipe organ/grand piano, and led by a soloist or choir.
1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
9:00 am
Morning Prayer led by volunteers with no Eucharist. The style is contemplative, no music is provided.

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

Contact us if you feel called to share your time, talents, or resources as we respond to God in our community through one of our ministries.


Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous

Aging, Health and Wellbeing
Recovery (AA/NA)

All Saints’ doors are open wide, especially to those in our community seeking to become or remain sober and clean from all mood and mind-altering drugs and alcohol. The following meetings occur weekly in the Samuel Gunn Hall (fellowship hall) or in the multi-purpose classroom on the second floor of the education wing: Narcotics Anonymous Group (Thursday at 6:30 pm); AA 12 & 12 Group (Monday and Friday at 8:00 pm); AA United Group (Tuesday at 4:30 pm; Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Saturday at 8:00 pm).

Saints Paul and Silas Prison Ministry

Prison Services

The Saints Paul and Silas Prison Ministry is dedicated to reminding prisoners they have not been forgotten by the church or by God. We send inmates greeting cards and our special blessing packets. These packets include items such as writing paper, embossed-stamped mailing envelopes, and puzzle books. For many inmates, our cards and packets are the only forms of contact they receive while in prison.  On occasion, the ministry receives personal letters from inmates who have been blessed by the packets and cards. Upon release from prison, life can be difficult and challenging for many former inmates. Many women and men leave prison without clothing and basic personal supplies. The Sts. Paul & Silas ministry provides personal care packages for these folks as they transition to life outside of prison. This ministry is fueled primarily by our donations to fill blessing packets and personal care packages. Financial support comes from donations and fund-raisers. If you feel moved to help this important ministry, please contact the parish administrator or Donna Russell, ministry founder/coordinator.

Donna Russell

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Aging, Health and Wellbeing

Monthly Blood Drive at All Saints’ – The Samuel Gunn Guild Hall is home to a monthly blood drive on the last Tuesday of each month, noon to 5:30 p.m. Schedule your appointment now:

Ministries Within the Congregation

Faith Formation

There are opportunities for our members to share their talents and gifts. If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, contact the church office and we’ll help you become involved.

Altar Guild: Parishioners prepare the altar for Sunday worship services and care for the appointments in the church.

Buildings and Grounds: Parishioners work in the churchyard and gardens and provide TLC to our historic property.

Chancel Choir: The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings and leads the congregation in worship through music at the 11:15 a.m. principal service on Sunday mornings and on other special occasions.

Coffee Hour Hospitality Ministry: Parishioners volunteer to offer refreshments during Coffee Hour, a time of fellowship following the 11:15 a.m. service on Sundays. Parishioners may volunteer by signing the sheet on the Usher’s table, any Sunday morning, or by contacting the Parish Administrator in the office.

Eucharistic Ministers: Laypersons licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist (Holy Communion).

Lectors: Lectors are folks who volunteer to read the appointed scripture lessons for each service.

Ushers: Every Sunday at the 11:15 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist and on other Holy Days, volunteer ushers greet worshipers as they arrive and perform other duties during worship.

News about All Saints' Episcopal Church, Portsmouth

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610 4th St
Portsmouth, OH 45662-3921
United States

Local episcopal partners

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors

Other community groups