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St. Luke's Episcopal Church,Coeur D'Alene

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Welcome to St. Luke’s. We are glad you’re here. We are a reconciling, affirming, inclusive Christian community that embraces all people in worship, love, and service.

God created you and treasures you. Join us as we seek to follow Jesus, sharing, celebrating, and showing Christ’s boundless love. We seek to move deeper in faith, closer in bonds of love, and wider in our sharing of God’s care in all our communities.


Worship times

8:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rite I -- spoken
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II -- singing with hymns, choir, and monthly bell choir. Children's Chapel included with age appropriate information and activities. The service is offered in-person and online via Zoom and Facebook.
5:30 pm
Contemplative Prayer Service offered on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The service is available on Zoom only. Contact the office for the Zoom link.
12:00 pm
Noonday prayer service. The service is in person and offered via Zoom.

Volunteer opportunities

Ongoing commitment opportunities

Great opportunities for pastoral care, prayer, social outreach, and music.

  • Pastoral visitors, Eucharistic visitors, and prayer chain teams
  • Food outreach and meal care for those in need
  • Active AA, NA, Alanon recovery groups and networks
  • Homeless family ministry with our partners, Family Promise
  • Volunteer opportunities with St. Vincent de Paul  programs and ministries
  • Programs and continuing opportunities with Daughters of the King, Women's Guild, and Men's Group
  • Choir and bell choir
  • Children's ministry with Children's Chapel at Sunday services

News about St. Luke's Episcopal Church,Coeur D'Alene

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501 E Wallace Ave
Coeur d Alene, ID 83814-2955
United States

Email address

Organized groups

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Daughters of the King
Education for Ministry (EFM)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Men's group