St. Peter's Church, Osterville
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St. Peter’s Church is an Episcopal Parish in the Diocese of Massachusetts.
Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your faith journey, you have a home here. St. Peter’s is a welcoming and vibrant parish that shares worship and fellowship on Sundays and throughout the week. We do our best to love and serve one another other, help those in need, and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Worship times
Holy Eucharist Rite I: no music
Fellowship Hour after service.
The audio and video of the service will also be posted to our web site and on Facebook.
Holy Eucharist Rite II with Music and Choir
Fellowship Hour after service.
During the corona virus shut down we will not be offering this service.
St. Peter's Women's Association
The Women's Association of St. Peter's oversees our annual UTO in-gathering and twice a year hosts a catered lunch and speakers of general interest. Everyone is welcome to attend or participate, not just the women of our parish.
Outreach Ministries
St. Peter’s Outreach Ministries works within the community to help our neighbors in the areas of food, shelter, and clothing. Some of these activities are not happening during the pandemic. We collect food items to donate to Housing Assistance Corporation on a monthly basis. Those who have some skill in home repairs or painting have formed a team in the Adopt A Unit program at Safe Harbor, the shelter for mothers and children who have been abused. We did over a small room and bath which housed a mother and baby. Other parishioners provided furnishings like a bedspread, sheets, lamps, and dishes. When this mother moves out, we will refurbish it for the new resident. We donate hats, gloves, and scarves, many of them homemade, to the Seamen's Institute. We have one international ministry to Haiti. We provide scholarships to students wishing to attend the Bishop Tharp Institute, a two-year community college which awards associate degrees in Applied Science in Business Management and Applied Science in Computer Systems. We also support for Camp Amazing Grace, a camp for children with one or two incarcerated parents. We also host American Red Cross blood drives, and monthly speaker series that serve also as fundraisers for charitable efforts. Every Thanksgiving St. Peter's assembles Thanksgiving baskets for low income families in the area.
St. Peter's Knitting Group
This ministry is on hold during the pandemic.
ST. PETER’S KNITTING GROUP is just one of many in every state who knit thousands of scarves, hats, vests , helmets and socks for THE SEAMEN’S CHURCH INSTITUTE (SCI) OF NEW YORK & PORT NEWARK, NJ. The SCI, founded in 1834, is a volunteer and ecumenical agency affiliated with the Episcopal Church that provides pastoral care, maritime education, legal & advocacy services for mariners. Both buildings have chapels, cafeterias, gift shops, and recreation rooms where mariners can rest and relax when ships come into port. This ministry has grown considerably over the years and now includes United States inbound waterways, cruise ships mariners and off shore oil rigs. In October, volunteer knitters arrive each week at Port Newark, NJ, which is the headquarters for the “CHRISTMAS AT SEA” program, to pack gift packages for deep sea distribution at holiday time. However, knitted items are still collected and given out all year, The total of knitted items yearly exceeds 20,000. ST. PETER’S KNITTING GROUP started in 2004. Since then, the group averages one to 10 knitters who meet at 1 PM in the Library for one to two hours on the third Thursday of each month (except July & August). Some knitters like to pick up yarn and knit at home. Some knit on other projects. Some decide not to knit that day but come just for the company of others. Everyone is welcome. We enjoy working together on this relaxing, rewarding outreach ministry.
Bible Study
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bible Study meets virtually every Thursday at 5 PM via Zoom, led by our rector Beth Grundy. The link is on our web site. Please join us to explore everything from the upcoming lessons for Sunday to journeys through specific books of the bible and more.
Prayer Group
The Prayer Group prays. We pray not only for the people of St. Peter’s, but for those near or far. We accept all prayer requests which can be written down in the book in the narthex alcove, called into the parish office, or to Mary Beebe. All requests are sacred and confidential.
We meet weekly and follow the following practice of prayer.
- Listen to music to help let go of the commotion of the day and focus on prayer
- Offer up thanksgivings to God
- Worship using the Service of Compline, offer our petitions, and end with a closing prayer and the Mizpah Benediction
- Welcome anyone who like to join us in the Library on Thursdays at 4:00
Those who wish to request prayers may put them in the prayer request book that is in the Narthex, call the office, or call Mary Beebe at 508-428-4575. We welcome anyone who like to join us in the Library on Thursdays at 3:00. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this group is meeting via Zoom and the link is on our web site.
Pastoral Care Team
Our Pastoral Care Team is available to anyone in the parish or our neighbors. Volunteers are available to provide meals, local transportation, household chores, and phone contact as needed. We are a group of compassionate caregivers who are anxious to serve.
Music Ministry
This ministry is still going strong during the pandemic, but virtually. Choir members sing solo during our 10 Am Zoom worship and also offer concerts and other music events via Zoom. St. Peter's also started a bell choir during the pandemic- please contact Joe Dudzinski if you would like to join our choir or handbell choir.
Music is essential to vibrant and meaningful parish life and worship. Choir, organ, piano, and other instrumental music enhance our weekly 10 AM Service of Holy Eucharist. Our music is an intentional mix of traditional hymns, contemporary songs, and spirituals that draw on the given themes of the service, and hopefully, helps the community pray. We sing well as a congregation, so be not afraid to lift your voice in song.
St. Peter’s offers several concerts and services in addition to Sunday Worship. Evensongs, Lessons and Carols, Music Festivals, and guest performances are a regular staple of parish life.
The Youth Scholarship Musician Program also enhances our musical life by bringing in talented young musicians from the Cape Cod Community. These teens serve in our music program and are awarded a scholarship to assist with their education.
All are welcome to join our music program at any time. Come sing, play, or contribute in any way to help us sing a new song to the Lord.
421 Wianno Ave
Osterville, MA 02655-1918
United States