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St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church

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In the Spirit, we at St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal/Anglican Church

Share our Core Values:

WORSHIP:  We are a community of Christians who follow the traditions of the Anglican Church, praising God through prayer, Scripture, and traditional Anglican hymns.

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP:  Our community of believers celebrates life through worship, recreation, and fun.

OUTREACH:  We provide Christ-centered ministries to meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our local, national, and international communities.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION/DISCIPLESHIP:  We are committed to the educational and spiritual growth of our parish family and the community-at-large by teaching God’s word.

PASTORAL CARE:  We meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of persons in our parish with trained and responsive ordained and lay ministers.

COLLEGE MINISTRY:  We promote Christian ministry among the students at Prairie View A&M University, especially through the work of the Canterbury Association.

SHARED LEADERSHIP:  We are an environment where ministry leadership is shared between clergy and laity and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Worship times

10:30 am

Volunteer opportunities

Ongoing commitment opportunities

PAW Panthers at Work

Houston Food Bank



Episcopal College Ministry at Prairie View A&M

Faith Formation

The College Ministry Program supports the Canterbury Association, the Anglican Student Association at Prairie View A&M University. 

Part of the outreach for the College Ministry has been through the hosting of the student-athletes at the university.  Once a month, the Committee hosts an athletic team for dinner and fellowship. The students receive a great home-cooked meal and they have an opportunity to share their stories, both personal and professional and spiritual journies.

Some of the teams hosted include, women's soccer, women's bowling, the men and women's tennis teams, track and field and softball.  The members also hosted the students in the Juvenile Justice and Psychology Club.

Canon John Newton from the Diocese of Texas's office also came and shared in the experience with the students and pledged his support for the ministry with a financial contribution from the Diocese.

Contact: The Rev. Herbert Thomas

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Faith Formation

Since its inception, the program has enjoyed tremendous involvement and participation with a dynamic group of young men from the community, the university and other surrounding cities of Prairie View.

The breakfast is designed to inform and educate the senior and junior men living in the Prairie View area on issues pertaining to their spiritual, physical, mental, health and economics and to encourage Christian and servant leadership and nutritious dialogue among the men in the community.

The monthly breakfasts are organized and setup in the Parish Hall and occasionally we used the Rectory when it was vacant.  To date, the breakfasts have been a tremendous love of service and labor and do not cost the attendees anything to attend.  The men of St. Francis have taken the responsibility for funding the event.  We did however take up a generous donation for one of the events.

The free event is open to all. Please confirm attendance by calling 936-857-3272 or email:

Houston Food Bank

Donation Coordination/Distribution

Food Distribution on third Thursday of each month

News about St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church

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204 Dooley St
Prairie View, TX 77446-0246
United States

Email address


The Rev. Rhonda Rogers

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Men's group
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
College student group
Bible study


Black Ministries