Holy Cross Episcopal Church
Share a story
Finding God's grace and love
Through Worship, Fellowship, Support, and Spiritual Growth.
Worship times
Volunteer opportunities
Life Groups
This ministry creates small groups for parishioners that gather for book and bible studies.
Outreach Ministries
Holy Cross has a very active Outreach Ministry. Which includes:
- Habitat for Humanity Faith Build
- Safe Harbor
- FIKE- Fountain Inn Kids Enrichment
- Center for Community Services
- Little Steps- Ministry for teenage parents
- Upstate Warrior Solutions
- Holy Cross Academy Scholarship Fund
- James Monroe Mission House
- Greenville Literacy Association
- Greenville Medical Clinic
- Faith in Action Sundays
- Power Packs prepping- Packs of non-perishable foods for weekends
- Project Host
- Education=Hope
- Support of missionaries Cameron and Roberto
Christian Formation Ministry
Adult Christian Formation
Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Holy Cross Academy
Holy Cross Academy’s infant, toddler, and preschool programs operate daily from 6:30 am until 6:00 pm. We also provide an after-school program from 2:30-6 pm for elementary school students attending Plain, Simpsonville, Bell’s Crossing, Bethel, Bryson, Greenbrier, Fountain Inn, and Rudolph Gordon. A full-time summer camp is available to all elementary aged children.
Worship and Music Ministry
Ways to be involved with Worship and Music:
- Eucharistic Minister
- Eucharistic Visitor
- Acolyte
- Usher
- Greeter
- Altar Guild
- Media Team
- Choir
- Worship Band
Fellowship Ministry
Holy Cross offers lots of opportunity for fellowship and community. Groups include:
- Prime Timers- 50+ group
- Play and Pray- for parents and kids
- Card Game Group
- Sit 'n Stitch
- Canasta
- Women's Retreat at Kanuga
- Sharpshooters
- Angel Mates- widows and widowers
- Daughters of the King
- Men's Group
Pastoral Care and Hospitality Ministry
Holy Cross is a community that cares for one another. Here is how:
- Wellness Committee
- Flower Ministry
- Card Ministry
- Prayer list
- Eucharistic Visitors
- Grief Ministry
- Meal Teams
- Prayer Shawls
Holy Cross also is exceptional at Hospitality. This ministry provides hospitality for things like funerals and large events
This ministry cares for the stray cats that live near the Holy Cross campus.
International Relationships
Education Equals Hope
205 E College St
Simpsonville, SC 29681-2616
United States