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Cathedral Church of St. Paul

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Our Cathedral mission proclaims: St. Paul’s Cathedral is an outward, activist community of Christian faith, a sign of God’s breathtaking generosity. It is a place of sanctuary, healing, inclusion, challenge, and compassion. We strive to be a soul-inspiring, mind-stretching, heart-healing center of unconditional surrender to the freedom of God, a place of hope and hospitality. As faithful Christians, we are both doers and believers. Action is as essential to our faith as our faith is to action – they are inextricably intertwined. The Episcopal Church designated St. Paul’s as a Jubilee Justice Center. Our Social Justice/outreach Cluster (Jubilee Cluster) represents the home of our Christian Action within our congregation, in the community outside our doors and in the world. Our ministries represent ways for parishioners to engage in broader systemic social change as well as in hands-on outreach opportunities that happen inside and outside our church building.

         We are located in the heart of downtown Burlington, Vermont, a vibrant college town located on the shores of Lake Champlain in northwestern Vermont. We are a small cathedral in staff: One priest – our Dean and Rector -and one deacon, Canon Precentor (Organist and Choir Director), Cathedral Administrator, and sexton. We have about 200 worshipers over three services. Despite our small staff, and medium size, we are rich in worship and works. Following is our belief statement:

·      We believe that the way of Jesus is our way of life…

·       We believe worship is the core of our life in community...  

·      We believe that God calls us to commit to and work for social justice and 
service in the broader community…

·      We believe lifelong Christian formation transforms and sustains us on 
the journey.

Worship times

9:00 am
Family friendly, casual, children's choir
11:00 am
Traditional liturgy with modern language, adult choir, live-streamed on our YouTube channel
Monday - Friday every week
8:30 am
Morning Prayer, on Zoom and in person (Zoom only on Mondays)

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities



Economic Development

The Joint Urban Ministry Project, Inc., known as JUMP, has operated since July 1988 as an interfaith ministry that responds to the needs of people in crisis. The JUMP ministry takes the form of personal care, vouchers and financial support for essential needs (food, heat, rent, electric, transportation, etc.) referrals, emergency assistance, and advocacy for persons with low incomes.

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul is a founding partner in JUMP and continues to be a major source of JUMP’s funding and volunteer base, serving in direct outreach and support as well as on the JUMP Board of Directors. Several area churches contribute to JUMP, pooling their resources to help people meet their basic needs.

The JUMP ministry operates each weekday morning at the chapel entrance of the First Congregational Church, Burlington, Vermont. We serve families and individuals in Chittenden County and occasionally those in nearby communities and beyond.



Vermont Interfaith Action (VIA) is a federation of congregations - with a national affiliation with PICO - working to improve the quality of lives for families and individuals in Vermont. Through a process of listening and relationship building, we identify pressing needs in our communities, then do careful research and provide innovative policy solutions from the ground up. Those who have previously been bystanders in the political process become effective participants in public life.

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul is a founding member of VIA and has a Local Organizing Ministry group that meets monthly to do research and organize actions to create systemic change. Past successful actions include: publically supported transportation to University of Vermont Medical Center outpatient facilities; changes in Vermont State priorities related to housing and homeless citizens, and change in corrections policy. We are currently involved in continued work to change corrections policy and practice.

We at VIA believe that by putting our faith into action, we have the power to transform our communities into places where people’s most basic human needs are met and where the dignity of every person is honored and respected.


Creation Care/Community Gardens

The Earth Care Ministry has moved The Cathedral Church of St. Paul closer to a goal of zero waste. We use either washable or compostable dishes and cups at all Cathedral events. Our building is located near the shore of Vermont’s major lake, Lake Champlain, which lies between Vermont and New York State. We are committed to the health of our beautiful lake, understanding that a healthy lake is part of a healthy environment that is essential to human, animal and plant well being.  Other issues are: use of pesticides, farm run-off, and healthy farm practices that support the wellness of farm workers. Earth Care invites new members to work together toward a more reverent relationship between humans and Creation within our church and in our society, through prayer, liturgy, education and action.


Children and Youth Ministries

Our middle school and high school youth meet monthly and plan various outreach activities as well as planning and preparing for yearly mission trips. SPY outreach and social justice work includes: preparation and serving of meals at a local homeless shelter, helping build houses, working on environmental issues, and raising awareness of social justice issues in our congregation. They also plan and carry out national and international mission trips that include: environmental work; house repair, painting and construction; volunteering in soup kitchens; bridge and road work; and reforestation.

Sunday School

Faith Formation

Sunday School for children pre-K through 6th grade.

Sacred Ground Circles

We run one to two circles per year both in-person and on-line.

Silent Vigil and Witness

Racial Reconciliation

We hold a thirty  minutes silent vigil every Sunday afternoon to raise local awareness of racism and oppression.

Pastoral Care

Aging, Health and Wellbeing
Pastoral Care

We have a large group of people who provide regular visits, contact, and communion to our older and/or homebound parishioners.

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2 Cherry St
Burlington, VT 05401-7304
United States



The Very Rev. Greta Getlein

Dean & Rector

The Rev. Stannard Baker

Cathedral Deacon and Archdeacon for Formation

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Bible study
College student group
Education for Ministry (EFM)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
LGBTQ group
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Youth group

Other community groups

Cathedral Arts
National Association for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
Youth Build/Restore
Vermont Music Teacher's Association
Burlington Choral Society
Chris Church Presbyterian meeting in our Parish Hall each Sunday at 4:00 PM